
What’s going on? Well let’s see. Dog sitting is happening this week and I’m trying to convince Ro to let me give him a deep combing. So far half of him looks just lovely, but when he starts snapping at my hand I know it’s time to let him rest awhile. He gives me that deep soulful look like why are you torturing me? I thought we had an understanding? But Ro, you look so fabulous when all your plumes are all fluffy! Let me fluff them!
And Mem just doesn’t do the brush thing at all. She just gives me the devil eye when I come near her with the brush and I just wander away.
I am making soup, and dealing with the sick cat. We now have her on a strict diet of baby food lamb. Then we start adding back foods to try to see if there’s an allergy. Oliver and I both came up with the idea that it’s corn. I had been thinking it, then he said something about it independently so I got a ding on the inner bell that that is likely to be the issue.
I’m wondering if the animals are acting as the canary in the coal mine on GM corn, as I’ve heard about a ton of animals sick with vomiting in the past month.
I also have to say that after what I saw the average American feeding their babies in the baby food aisle I no longer wonder what starts so many problems so young. The stuff I saw was both just retarded and disgusting.
Why wouldn’t you just mash a fresh banana instead of feeding it to your kid processed out of a jar? Same for sweet potatoes, why wouldn’t one just bake up a couple sweet potatoes and throw them in the fridge until the kids hungry?
Considering that the damn stuff is 89 cents a jar why would you pay that when an average banana costs 23 cents?
I’m already adding up the idea that as long as the cat remains sick it’s costing me 60 bucks a month to feed her this stuff as opposed to about 20. Even though lamb is pricey I’m trying to figure out what to get to make this stuff myself.
I just don’t understand how the jarred stuff is any more convenient than just feeding the kid essentially what you are already eating. But I guess if you’re living on Hormel chili and Kraftmac and Lorna Doons (that’s a Repo Man reference Nigel) it wouldn’t be much different.
There remains so much cleaning to occur, that’s the main agenda for this weekend. I just keep looking forward to the week off for the holiday. And everyone keeps trying to get me to commit to stuff during it. Wishing I could afford one these allegedly groovy and tasty heirloom turkey’s but the very cheapest ones are frickin’ 7.50 a pound! So the rich will have to preserve the breeds of original American turkey without my help.
I’d really like to find some time to myself for some writing, my own writing that is. Not school, not band, not blog, not e-mail. Just some regular creative writing.
Wysong makes really great hypo allergenic cat foods, including lamb also fish based. Many are also without corn. You just have to slowly introduce it to prevent problems. Cats don't switch food easily.
I am not a fan of GMOs, but I can't imagine how GM corn could cause vomiting. The round up ready thing means pesticides are used, but even non GM corn is usually dependent on many chemicals to grow, unless it is organic. The problem with pet foods is much more likely to be the protein source, the worst of the worst left over meat by products. The premium foods spare us from that and some are even human grade. Wysong, Solid Gold,are two available and Wysong is local - made in Midland.
Huron Pet supply on Jackson has it very cheap, the People's Food Co-op also carries it.
Also, allergies rarely cause vomiting. Allergies are more likely to be manifested in itching,redness, hot spots, hair falling out, etc. And a cat over 15 would hardly ever suddenly develop an allergy - unless somethign else went wrong. Bowel obstruction (an emergency requiring urgent care), systemic failures (kidney, liver, etc.) feline AIDS, etc. are all more likely reasons for vomiting. And a cat who is vomiting lots is in danger of dehydration, so you need to check (quality of skin, appearance, ask a pro if you aren't sure). I wouldn't self treat vomiting for more than a day or two, maybe longer with a long haired cat...
The GMO in corn thing is perhaps a direct health issue, not enough is known. But we do know with certainty that it is devestating to small farms, diversity of crops, right to livelihood, heirloom seeds, and consumer choice. It is been bad for European relations, as they don't want GMO and don't want to be forced to buy our questionable grains and corn that use that process.
There are also some frightening forecasts for negative environmental impact, possible super insects and blights, and mega multi-national corporations controlling most of our food supply.
Whether we are harmed by eating it, more so than other conventionally raised products, is perhaps the biggest unknown. I personally don't want to be experimented on. Last I heard, Frito Lay was still refusing to use GMO corn. If more big companies would take that stand the tides would start to turn in favor of more reaosnable and far sighted farming methods.
The movie that is coming out next month, by Deborah Garcia, "The Future of Food" is an excellent dource for information. I pan to buy a copy to use in teaching
-the sister
My, thats quite a discourse, I've had her to the vet, your vet in fact, and the labwork for everything is fine. She is chowing on the lamb. And she's been drinking plenty 'O' fluids.
So we just have to see what happens when she poops now.
Then we start making decisions about foods.
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