I sense a pattern developing
As usual I'm going to prevaricate and say I don't do these often and don't care much for them -BUT-
As usual I'm gonna say I liked this particular one (spotted on Maketeanotwar's blog) and did it.
As usual I got a goofy result because nobody has hardly heard of Anna of Cleves and I gotta say, the opportunist in me is cheering her mightily.
She seems a little like a female mantis except the no sex part.

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by Lori Fury
but I got the same answer. What does that mean?
- the sister.
Same Mother?
But that is odd because I'm betting dollars to donuts that you didn't say you'd spend your last day on earth snorting coke in the bathroom at Spago.
and you would be correct on that call. No drugs on any of the answers. No parties either.
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