Not bad for blinded

Am I becoming a blog tease? I fear it’s true. It’s mostly a function of my fingers typing checks my ass can’t cash.
I am not at the efficient use of time place. I felt yesterday as if I’d been robbed of my day. After being eye dilated I just finally went to bed for a couple hours. Then I had to deal with soup making for quite awhile. Then I tried to invoke the writing muse. She was not available at that time. So I just felt much of the day was a wash.
Leaving today to be terribly busy. I have a cake to make, the house to clean, I have to get to King’s Keyboards. Huron High should be picking up the old piano today. I have to make a quiche. I have to grocery shop, cuz you gotta have real maple syrup for the waffles you know. The soup needs to be finished. And probably plenty more I'm not processing at the moment. Hanging over all that is homework and work.
Love the top pic! That stairway must have been built back when our country was still trying to have an infrastructure.
But then, Ann Arbor still has more infrastructure than most.
Actually that is our brand new Broadway Bridge.
I was walking from Kellogg Eye to the near northwest.
There is much controversy re: The B-bridge, some hate it and think it's hideous. I personally find it quite lovely.
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