Freaky Deaky

Earworm Radio Today:
Groove Is In The Heart - Dee- Lite
Bike - Pink Floyd
Yesterday was a really weird day. Due to my usual procrastination, I had to get up at 5:00 am to finish my big presentation for Classical Piano Class on music through the twentieth century. I got it done and printed at like 9:45, I leave for the bus at 10:00.
After that it was a patch of relatively smooth sailing, Lit class and then on to music. The presentation went really well and now yet another teacher is saying I should become a teacher. I did not however, tell her what I told T.B. English teacher which is that I kind of hate stupid people, and would want to wring necks and clunk heads on a regular basis. So probably it’s best that I leave that alone.
On getting home I took my, one hour, don’t bug me I’m watching Dr. Phil break, then had to shop for the twice yearly, compulsory offering ceremony I had to do last night. The idea being that the rest of the evening would be spent napping, cleaning the meditation room and setting up the altar and such, before doing the actual ceremony.
I had finally gotten motivated and was polishing and dusting around 9:00 pm when the doorbell pealed like mad. I’ve got one of those old-fashioned crank doorbells and from the way it was being ground on I was sure it was an unexpected visit from Oshan who is an extreme doorbell ringer.
Nope, not at all, instead it was some poor jamoke who had been clubbed down and robbed in the street outside my house. Needless to say, there was an hour and a half interruption to the routine.
It was interesting to note that:
a) I had like two seconds to make a decision whether he was for real or a psycho killer, and I was able to make that decision correctly and fast.
b) That whole Chris Titus thing, about how people from dysfunctional families are great to have around in an emergency? It’s really true. I had the cops on the phone, the kettle on the stove and was giving him a friendly hug and telling him it would be OK within 15 seconds. It just doesn’t faze me anymore.
As I was telling Oliver,
Once you’ve seen your best friend get shot 6 times, (he lived), have jumped out of a moving car, watched your drunk neighbor potentially bleeding his life out on your porch (he lived), or had to hit some guy in the head with an iron and jump out a window after being abducted and gang-raped, etc. etc. etc. it all just turns into, immediately create and implement a mental to-do list, when something freaky happens. I was far more comfortable dealing with this, than giving my presentation, where I was shaking and my mouth was all dry.
Not to temp fate, but I've never even been mugged. Publicly pummeled, but they never took my dough.
In my ear: "Lonesome Town" The Cramps, "Stand" Sly Stone.
Pummeled, what a great word, though not a good feeling.
Apparently they caught the kid that did it fairly quickly, he asked the cops for a ride right around the corner from us and was visibly intoxicated.
Oops the doorbell, this time I'm fairly confident it's the band.
My secret code to comment is fckdqy which of course, to me, translates to fuckducky, hehehe
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