A little bit me, a little bit you

A little bit of new content has occurred over on the myspace site ------->
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Today I’m recommending Outside In. It’s a little bit of a funky take, a couple mistakes and technical issues, but if you overlook that I think it’s a nice piece.
I liked Seven Years.
Bottom 99, Follow 14 is there some numbers thing going on there or just a coincidence?
Thanks, people do seem to like that one.
It is mostly a coincidence actually. FOLLOW 14 was one I had wanted since I was doing a bunch of studio work out in Pinckney and always saw the sign on the highway coming back.
The Bottom 99 was one the guy's came up with while I wasn't paying attention, because of all the talk about the top 1 % power structure, money trip thing and how we were always going to be in the bottom 99. I thought it was snarky and funny and so agreed to it.
Oh but I just realized that if you add Quatro Veda (our folk band) into that mix maybe we do have some wierd numbers thing that I hadn't realized.....
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