Dead Dogs

After having an excruciating day yesterday, including but not limited to, attending the death of my best dog friend Rodeo, and shelling out $173.00 between the various people working on my kitchen sink, (I ended up having to call the big guns, meaning Rotor-Rooter, because you apparently can’t rent a long enough power snake easily). I settled on a nice batch of nacho’s as the needed comfort food to restore my (completely) depleted tissues.
Between whipping a batch up, and Oliver telling me about the UFO show he had watched earlier, I remembered that I wanted to tell you my theory on aliens.
It’s the nachos.
We’ve got ‘em, they don’t, ergo - visitation.
Think about it, cattle mutilations, crop circles, and all the good tomatoes seem to have disappeared leaving us with nothing but these cardboardy, black mold growing, genetic freaks. Beef, cheese, corn and tomato. You can’t have good nachos without at least two of them.
They are fucking with our future nacho supply people, and the government is helping them. They want to doom us to a nacho-less, soulless, salsa-less, hell realm. A mass of worker drones with not even the prospect of a single cheesy chip to comfort us.
Just what are we going to do about this? I am open to any and all suggestions.
edit: except soy cheese, I'm not open to that, or much of soy anything really. I'll tell you later about being traumatized by my soy wielding Mother,
Well beans corn chilis and squash have their own commemerative stamp now
and my tomatoes and peppers are up doing the first leaves past dicotaledon (sp?) which translates to grow your own is a big answer to the mess and crazyness of monsanto and genetic engineering, also eat tomatoes in season and you'll be happier. I put spinach and collards into the warm ground today. Lovely.
Big sewer trouble I call sinks and sewers, they are a good and responsible local company guarantee their work, charge very reasonable fees. I have had much better experiences with them than the company you mentioned -- and so has everyone I've referred to them.
-your sister
Do they obscond with pickup truck driving hillbillies because they don't eat enough nachos much to the confusion of said aliens?
NP- Fortunately I don't hang around with many of the aforementioned so I don't actually have stats on their nacho eating quantities. But I am under the impression that they eat a lot of those anti-nachos which are the wierd tasting chips with the petrol cheese sauce like (I'm told) you get at the NASCAR stands.
YS- I may call them and get an estimate next time, but I actually think I'll go out of my way to find the super, power, snake. I am also having a cleanout installed near the stack at some point. That will solve the length problem.
I tend to get the viney ones in winter... they're good.
Mr. Bone Cruncher and I have both had very good experiences with Sinks & Sewers. Not cheap, but definitely fairly priced and they do good work. Also very nice folk.
Your friend Lizard Breath
with the help of my own personal computer angel i have caught you! my bright bitchen babay! It took some doing i had to think and rememeber that name of that blog you got there i came up with sunday swim and adult self abuse. he would only put in sunday swim for some obscure computer reason then as we were gazing at the samples found there before me was the one and only stella. STEEEELLLLAAA!
BLOG ON BABY. love ersyla
Good Lord this is probably the most comments I've ever had....
LB -What's their base rate? Cuz Roto-Rooters is 153.00 and that's a serious bite.
ETN - welcome aboard, this is where it's all happening, apparently. I guess I'll be seeing you pretty damn soon eh? We actually have a new bedroom set in the room now, no bed yet though, I'm working on it.
Turning into the clever web detective are we? It's amazing the shit you can find out from the net.....
I know they are cheaper than $150 plus. Call my friend -- who you know the Laura who just had a baby -- she used them most recently of people I know, or call them yourself. When I had them many many years ago it was only around $70 and the second visit was free. They are over $100 now I believe.
The thing is, it is similar to when I had the new well drilled. I went with a company where the people who own it are totally involved. Their reputation is on the line, they don't subcontract, and it isn't a chain with no personal linkage. So you almost always get better service and attention. they are local and directly involved. unless thigns have changed.
Last comment on drains -- I'm a die hard do it yourselfer, and I've even installed sinks and toilets and showers from scratch. But I would much rather pay for someone else to do drain cleaning. Yuk. Double Yuk. Once you rent the equipment, buy gloves you'll never want to touch again, ruin your pants and use up all your rags, spend the time, and in the end damage the pipes because you don't know what you're doing it would have been cheaper and easier to pay someone.
I'll take out a trap, do an easy snake, but if it isn't in the first 10-20 feet then you just don't want to go there. And I have a lovely snake you can crank that you can borrow if you want.
Meanwhile pour baking soda followed by vinegar down the drains regularly (although I think not if you have a garbage disposal) and you'll have less trouble.
- your sister
Well I'm sold to at least try 'em next time. Hopefully that's at least 5 years from now. We had already run my 15 foot snake and a 30 foot power snake, we needed something like almost 50 feet, essentially the length of the house longwise.
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