Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Your Anger

It’s not gone anywhere yet. I have faith that given more time and more practice it will eventually lessen.

But in the meantime what it looks like from over here is, that what you’ve learned to do is to change it’s approach. Once upon a time it was a tidal wave and would create wide swaths of devastation. Then it became a bludgeon, but still nearby people would get splattered with gore. Now you’ve turned it into a laser beam, and while the bystanders that used to get creamed in the fallout do have cause to appreciate that, it is no less devastating to the target who remains shredded and flailed. (And really, who really wants to witness an execution? Even if it's physically splatter free, it's just not so on the psychic level).

So, don’t think just because you’ve gained targeting skills and focus that it’s somehow dissipating, or that you’re magically better now. The white, hot, core is still there and it’s still all yours.


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