Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Utility belt

For me, because I gave up on the idea of a big Daddy God or government like a thousand years ago and yet still feel like I need some help and support, here’s what utilizing Buddhism feels like.

You go to “Buddha” and you’re like “hey, I and most of my toys, am kinda broken. I need to do something about that.” Buddha was/is all like “ Yeah dig that, here’s my toolbox have a bang at it and if you need some DIY books there’s some of those too. Try not to borrow stuff for too many millennia though cuz there’s another hundred trillion beings that need to use them as well so it would be really cool if you spent some time figuring out how to build and fill a toolbox yourself, but whatever. Oh yeah, and word to the wise, you’ll probably get more work done if you clean as you go”.



At 12/06/2006 11:35 PM, Blogger Joshua M. Rosenberg said...

Great entry.. clean as you go made me laugh. I'm starting/moderating a blog for my college's Buddhist group- check us out and we can cross link each other (if you'd like)

-Josh R.

At 12/07/2006 7:11 AM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

Toolbox. I like that.
I am however getting a Buddha/Batman mental image though.

At 12/10/2006 11:20 AM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Josh - Thanks for stopping by as well as the link offer. I think I would feel really inhibited if I thought a lot of fellow buddhists were looking at me though, I'm kind of a bad buddhist and it's hard already feeling judged by my sangha. (Not that they inherently are, I just feels that way).
I'll check you guys out when I get through with evil finals though.

Nige- Is it any surprise that I'm a bit of a Batman freak? I just did a paper on Medea and Catwoman called "Witches and Bitches"

At 12/10/2006 4:45 PM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

The paper sounds really interesting.
Last year I secretly blogged as Batman on the Batblog. My first attempt at writing character and comedy. I wanted to make Batman kind of like Seinfeld's David Puddy.

At 12/10/2006 5:38 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Well the paper was what it was. As long as it pulled that precious A and it did. I could have had more fun with it if I was just writing it for fun. It felt like I just glossed over a lot of stuff because I didn't want to go over five pages with the other 2 or 3 papers hanging over me.

Speaking of which... still got a bunch of reading to do though the major part of the work is done as I just finished another 5 pager yesterday.
I hate group projects. Groups suck my ass. I am consistently the only one who does the work.


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