Chemical Castration
I’ve been having a bit of a “flat affect.” You may not have noticed.
So “we” are trying some new things. Massive doses of vitamin D3 is one. Three weeks after taking 5000 IU’s a day my levels are up into the bottom ranges of normal. Therefore I assume, that there was in fact, a previous deficit. Even though it’s one of the least expensive supplements I’ve ever gotten I am glad to say I can now drop on down to 3000 IU’s. Every little bit it helps.
Also it would appear that somewhere a hypo-thyroid thing appeared. I am being told that this nifty new pill will put some zippy in my pip. Am I pzipy yet? You tell me.
Then there’s the perennial favourite, which is that it is no longer February and early March in Michigan. This winter was a straight out bitch. What a long drawn out drag.
And there is the slow burn, subtle furious-ness at government and their insistence and propaganda that as a fat smoker I am THE embodiment of THE problem. Slow burn hatred is never good for my productivity. But again, I’m sure noone noticed.
And there you have it, the word castration is coming from the Greek word kaezein.
And that’s a cheesy movie reference, if you don’t get it it really can’t be helped.
Labels: Anthrophobia, Anxiety, Biology, Blowin' Stuff Up, Decline, Depression, Drugs, ennui, Illness, me, Psychology, Spring, Suckitude, Tobacco, Winter
nope, don't get the reference, but still will cautiously enter a room with Castration in the title - Brave soul that I am!
What i do get is vit D deficit in Michigan. This year I tried to remember to start supplementing the stuff as the sun went down in Nov. We're tuff in Michigan, but we need all the bolstering we can get + once the sun peeks I get in it big time (damn the sun-hating cancer mongers!) and soak up boatloads of the stuff.
It's good, cheap med.
I am very much enjoying the Big D dance. I think it's to my benefit.
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