Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Friday, April 03, 2009

No AM Earworm!

Sometimes it’s really nice to wake up w/out anything insisting in my head. Especially after last weekends (at least) 48 hours of “Tiki Temple” by the Tsars. For 2 or 3 days there, it was so bad that I dasn’t turn off the TV or itunes or stereo because every time there was an empty space in my brain it would go right back to filling with hot lava while chanting goobah gaba and vestal nymphomaniacs were ceaselessly preparing aphrodisiacs and chanting jungle prayers. If it had been something like “Rhinestone Cowboy” going on in that fashion I would have shot myself dead and I’m not kidding. I can say this with great certainty as I once had “Afternoon Delight” in there for just a day and it made me want to go to psych ER and beg for Thorazine.

The reason I had “Tiki Temple” stuck so badly was that I was asked to write some prosody publicity for said Tsars. They asked for in the style of Andrew Looge Oldham and/or old Nancy Sinatra liner notes. What they’ve received (so far) instead is that ‘orrible, ‘orrible, bit of dreck below, “Put Another Nikolai In”. Although, I must admit to liking the bit about Aqua Velva and Tigress parfum. I wrote it in one session with the muses on Friday night. For inspiration I listened to their myspace playlist three or four times through. That was what proved to be my ultimate undoing.

I’d like to give it another whirl but I am slightly terrified that I will be doomed to another lost weekend of running from thing to thing trying to drown out “My Martini” or “734”. because believe you me, I am so skipping right over “Tiki Temple” this time. Just talking about it has started the whole surfey guitar and tomrolls thing right back up. I’m frickin’ doomed.

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At 4/04/2009 9:37 AM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

734 is a catchy one.
BTW, MS Girlfriend wants to know when GC? will be having a gig.

At 4/07/2009 8:45 AM, Blogger el poquito said...

ok. so if i have 'Rhinestone Cowboy" driving a spike through my brain - I blame you.

At 4/11/2009 7:58 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Ms. Girlfriend could apply for manager cuz I don't want that job. So other than some sparkly band taking pity on us....

And EP that's the whole point of sharing them here, if I pass them along I may be freed so that another becomes doomed.


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