How much can a heart be broken before it just don’t work no more?

So I’ve been watching this thing and developing theories for years.
It seems to me that when people die youngish of heart problems, they seem to me to be most often literally dying of broken hearts. Now, I’m not talking about someone who’s ninety, if you die of a broken heart at ninety why shouldn’t you? You’ve already watched everyone else leave, over your whole life. What could be more heartbreaking than that?
I think of certain of the dead people I know. I feel I can directly trace their heart troubles to actual troubles of the heart. The complete loss of their life dream, or the abuse of their childhood that was never to heal, and other sorts of really over the top things. I have to say that I don’t recall any indications of people dying of the traditional broken heart/love lost scenario though. Unless it’s directly linked to the loss of the life dream or illusion. That really seems to be the big one. I know several that that seems to have done in.
I wonder about this because I am meant to have heart problems. I have a Mother who died youngish of congestive heart failure, and her father before her died at 42 or 46 of a massive heart attack. The heart stuff has started showing up in other members of the family also.
But I have had this odd suspicion that I am not going to manifest this in the same way. My heart started being being broken so very, very young, the first time around six or so, that I have a feeling that it’s just so crusty and scarred over that it’s just not going to be killed by any traditional heartbreak.
As well as that I have learned to expect the unexpected. Sure I have dreams and illusions, but I also know on a seemingly really core level that when the worst happens it is also illusory as well as temporary. I’m lucky, I have an inner stuff that seems to remain unscathed.
I was just talking about this with Lizardbreath because in the course of writing this I just got word that another person in the outer rings of my circle died of a broken heart at 57, and in the course of the conversation was able to process and crystalize, that if you really acknowledge your broken heart it doesn’t kill you.
Of course the extremely superstitious part of me now is cringing a little wondering if the universe will take that as a challenge to try yet again to off me.
But as it seems to try about equally hard to assassinate and protect me I will probably be around awhile.
This whole thing came up because of Memo, it’s pretty clear she has cancer and it’s a sad thing she is a good, good dog.
They say that there's a link between one's will to live and their health. Makes sense.
I should take it as a fair warning myself.
It is some really complicated shit ya know?
I keep trying to track it all for myself instead of buying any of the dominant and sub-dominant paradigms.
I'll let ya know if I come up with anything scathingly brilliant.
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