
So I’m still a tease. I took no pictures and I really should have been recording the jam session. But it was all a little confusing. My friend for whom the whole thing was arranged, The infamous Archfiend didn’t call to say he was really coming to town until he got here yesterday afternoon. once I talked to him the guest list suddenly went from 4 to 21, 16 of whom I fed. People were still being invited as late as 11 at night and 10 this morning. It was all a whirl. We missed you Lizardbreath, Bassman, Nitro, and Eva Destruction!
We ended up having a jam session and we laid the room out starting with 5 O'Clock World and going on to Whipping Post, Been Loving You Too Long, Substitute, Sloop John B, I’m So Glad, I Can’t Stand The Rain, Be My Lover and many other classics.
Archfiend did a cool version of Watching The Detectives. Woodwinds woman did many percussions and backups as well as Karl La Fong and Archfiend singing along. I love singing with male voice!.
So I cooked and cleaned all weekend and now I am jammed up needing to do homework
Chicken soup with noodles
Sesame soy pork roast with noodles
Scalloped potatoes
Cabbage with caraway butter and salt
Portobello, broccoli and gruyere quiche
Ham, green pepper and pepper jack cheese quiche
Fruit salad with rose water dressing
Waffles with maple syrup
Link breakfast sausage
Fresh brown bread
Pistachio streusel cake
Freaky Swiss or Dutch molasses breakfast cake
Fresh OJ
Cranberry Juice
Black currant juice
Apple cider
Baby doll, I got yr phone message too late today to show up for The Massive Feed. Damn, and I really coulda gotten into singing a bit of Wilson Pickett (may he rest in peace) with you all. Slip Away in The Midnight Hour. Oh dear, I am merging tunes again.
Anywhooo-- thanks for the invite. Very regretful I could not appear at the swa-ray today.
Lizard Breath
Mr. Bones is in Seattle this weekend, visiting his son and grandkids, so he was completely unavailable to partake of the Grand Feast. Ah well.
See you soon.
Hahaha Mr. Bones is perfect, I shall add that to my list and henceforth he shall be deemed it!
There is still a ton of chicken soup if you need /want some.
They demolished the quiches though, I guess they turned out right this time.
Sorry we missed you though, it was all just so confusing but man am I glad I followed my intuition and laid in enough supplies.
Sorry we missed the soiree, Stella. Eva has her fifteenth cold of the year, so mostly we just hung around the house drinking tea, and then more tea.
I'm afraid the Kindergarten Germs are really kickin' Eva around this year: Dashiell has been fine, though. He just carries the bugs home to his Mom, like a good five-year-old.
Well, you'all were missed. Does Ms Eva need any of my famous healing chicken soup? I have an awful lot.
How kind of Dashiell to spread the wealth, I've been lucky so far as far as cold and flu are concerned.
It's the other stuff that is the issue....
I swear I think the influence of the magic chicken soup is not to be discounted.
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