Surf real fast, and no devil math

You know I love my mac but there is a serious design flaw. The power supply with the detachable plug has been sparking since I got it and has now broken. It’s purpose was to allow you to add another length of cord but its a really poor design.
So I have maybe 45 minutes of juice left before I’m unable to use my computer. This sucks as my math homework program is on this computer and I have a thousand pounds of math to get through this weekend.
SO if anyone I know out there has an extra mac laptop power supply, please phone me immediately as I’m royally screwed. I’ll be heading to the evil Comp USA later I guess, keeping fingers crossed the whole time. I already had an overbooked day between the vet, the picking up the new glasses, the piano move, the band practice and various other errands and tasks, but this is critical, I already had gotten behind and a taste of no computer world when Oliver did a huge mastering project that took a chunk of the day and the whole evening on Weds.
Ear worm radio today: Here Comes My Man - The Pixies ( directly attributable to Nigel this time)
EDIT: I AM a stupid girl, I just realized that the lengthening part of the other cord would probably work. It seems similar to the tech support asking you is the computer plugged in? When you say it doesn't work.
It just goes to show that one can be extremely bright in one range of ways and a total dolt in others. I can't deal with technology at all, but man can I make a mean quiche and write a good song.
I guess that means I have to do homework now, sigh.
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