The Secret Order of Kramden
We have 2 major bus systems here, the AATA city bus and the University Bus Service. Since the #3 to school drives through both Central and North Campus, we see tons of busses during the 1/2 hour drive time.
After watching for months I’ve determined that it would appear that ALL bus drivers, upon encountering each other, give a high sign.
Is this a secret society?
If so, is there a Secret Order of Norton?
What's really going on down there?
I've noticed bikers kind of pointing diagonally down with the left hand at eachother.
What did Norton do again?
My last partner at work, we used to buddy up at the other shop, her husband is a Detroit bus driver. Not a big Kwame fan.
Norton was the sewer worker.
I'm not a big Kwame fan myself, I read about what's going on there in detroitfunk and detroitblog and Its just crazycrazy.
So are you talking about the real bikers or the yuppie bikers? Man we had a lot of the latter at the tattoo studio.
In between. Not Hell's Angels and not West Bloomfield's Angels.
Madison Heights' Angels.
hehehe, West Bloomfield Angels
Ok, working class bikers I can totally live with. Fancy restaurant owners with 60,000 dollar harleys and 6 different, fresh, never scratched leathers kinda bum me out.
I wonder what kind of reception they get at Sturgis?
They always seem determined to go.
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