Oil Pulling Diary: Day seventeen, eighteen, nineteen & twenty
I’ve been pretty faithful up till today. But first thing today I started tasting the pulled pork I took out of the oven after baking all night. It was only a while after messing around with it that I remembered I was meant to do this, the other thing, first.
So I’ll probably skip today rather than trying to find some interlude where I haven’t eaten or drunk anything for four hours.
Still unclear if anything is getting better. I’ll have to take it on a very similar act of faith as when I started taking Co enzyme Q 10. I felt a big surge at first then it leveled off as I became accustomed to feeling better. It’s also similar to blood sugar. One gets accustomed to gradually elevating blood sugars so one doesn’t realize that it’s gone up into the three or four hundreds until you get piss or blood tested for it.
I have had funny poop for a few days. Don’t know if that is related. Yup, funny poop. Downright hilarious.
Labels: Oil Pulling
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