All things Borax

• The bad habit that really demands I wake the hell up and pay attention to reality - putting the kettle on the boil with the whistle spout lifted
• It finally occurred to me to get out my Borax lunch box and use it as -Surprise- a lunch box
• I’m still working on developing sugar free, without evil chems, puddings to take to my friend on chemo
• I want to say hello to my Swedish visitor, cuz my family is from Eskilstuna and I lived with my (distant) cousins in Orebro and Surahamer one summer. Sorry I don’t know how to make umlauts! Or spell in Swedish so well, probably.
• I think it was Emily Dickinson who said something to the effect of “ Bread and water is so easily transformed into tea and toast”
• I so love fall. driving around last late afternoon I was just rubbernecking all around, saying “look at that tree” “Ooh look at the light hitting that one” I will probably really hurt myself craning and snapping my head around.
• I may be really heavily tattooed but I have to admit a huge, huge prejudice against face and neck tattoos. I’m sorry, but I just don’t want to see eggs on plate on the side of your neck.
• I love Rachel Perry products, I’ve used them since I was a teen, they are luxurious and smell fantastic. Tangerine face wash, yumm.
• I really wish I didn’t dwell on negative things and encounters like I do, just replaying stuff over and over and over.
• I get to pick up my new boots today, thanks to Lizardbreath
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