Bring out yer dead

Ok. We’ve come to that place I’ve seen many of these things get to, which is when the author can no longer contain their curiosity about the lurkers and attempts to get them to engage. So, obviously some of you I know either directly or after a fashion, some of you I just watch as surreptitiously as you watch me.
Won’t you come out and play?
It’s easy, just tell me the teensiest bit of info, like how in the world did you ever run across this thing in the vast plethora of people taking this unprecedented opportunity to spill their guts like it’s Jerry Springer all day, every day. And maybe, why would you keep coming back?
Am I fishing? Yea, maybe a bit, after all, math has my self esteem in the toilet. Am I avidly curious? Yes, a lot. I am dying to know about folk and what they do and what they think. I may be anthrophobic but I am endlessly fascinated with people, their motivations, activities, priorities and desires and what not. If reality TV had anything to do with real people, behaving in real ways, I would be so screwed because I would never take my eyes off it.
Thank god that’s such poorly done idiocy that I don’t like it all. I never did soap operas either, unless they came in such ridiculous forms that I couldn’t resist them. Like - Mary Hartman Mary Hartman, or Dark Shadows. And since everyone knows by now that I’ve gotten myself addicted to Coronation Street I’ll give as the rationale that it’s quite a bit more gritty and it’s set in a foreign country and besides it’s Sunday morning when I’m just chilling out anyway working on the computer so what should I watch Face The Nation? No thanks.
Although I will do the deep, dark, confession that I watch Springer a lot. Somehow, even though I hate that kind of really banal drama when it’s people in my life that I expect better from, it’s somehow OK when it’s on the screen.
What’s that about?
Oh speaking of oddities have you heard about this thing they’ve found in Japan?
Now this is really fascinating, and I don’t have enough info yet to say much about it but, it is somehow both an animal and a plant at the same time. Or when it undergoes mitosis it turns from a plant to an animal. But it seems like that couldn’t be mitosis at that point because it’s not apparently exactly duplicating cells. Or maybe the trait is exactly duplicated but when the cell splits off and becomes animal it’s because a switch is flipped and the trait is activated?
I don’t know, but I can’t wait to hear more about it. I put my bio teacher on to it so he could find out and hopefully explain it to me.
There’s another good reason to write me, because you have super secret insider info on how such a thing occurs....
Oops, the teakettle harkens, the bread is baking, the yoghurt is making, the corn flakes beckon and much homework is waiting.
Oh jeez! Secrets? From me? I'm a little bit afraid.
I have trust issues but that's not at all a secret. I took incorrect change from an independent record store in St. Clair Shores. I just calmly walked out with it and still feel a little bad about it.
An extre $10.
Ok. Although I actually meant that maybe someone knew the super-secret of how to be an animal and a vegetable at the same time.
But - I've noticed that a lot of people have a similiar incident(s) in their past, the ones I respect seem to have a certain level of discomfort or pang with it.
I still have the book I shoplifted when I was 14. It was the only time I shoplifted, although not the only time I stole.
It's a really cool book called "the real world of fairies" but it always reminds me of that particular transgression.
Anyways, you're not a lurker, you're wonderfully participatory.
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