Livin’ Large

Ooh, I had a teaspoon of honey on my peanut butter toast today. How exciting is that.
I am currently getting a flunk in math. This is so frustrating. I try really hard. I try to work with the tutors (tutors have bad habits of not showing up a lot, I’ve learned). I do my homework. I show up every day.
Whatever. When I have to take it again I’ll be way ahead of the game. That might carry me through enough to barely pass the next time.
Hey Sis,
Is this by chance a picture of Ann Gaylor? I was trying to figure out which of the two of us it was and decided it was probably neither.....
You can tell by the boat in the garage that the year was 1971. That is the Rhodes 19 sailboat that was sold to make up $2,000 towards the down payment on the house in Ann Arbor (which they bought for about $28,000 by the way).
I'm pretty sure that is me. Posture, hair length, all fit. Ann's hair was shorter. Mine was at that short length at that time. It is most likely a shot in the spring just before we moved. I don't think Dad had the boat in the spring of 1970, I think he got it that summer towards the end and it never got into the water.
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