Trying is just not good enough, Missy

I tried to write sooner, honestly I did, but I did write five pages last night for two different reports and read a fairly hefty Tolstoy short story. About 40 pages, The Death Of Ivan Ilyich, have you read it? It’s fantastic.
It’s my first Tolstoy, to my mind he makes Chekov and Dostoevsky seem like slurry imitators.
So, having just a bit of a let up on the big stressors and that’s one hell of a relief.
Not that Math and Bio are ever going to be good but I’m getting a little more grounded in them and even got a 91 on my Bio exam. A complete fluke but nonetheless a good thing. Something about a problem in multiple choice questions and people getting a bonus 16 points which rocketed me up from a 75.
I also decided to run some of my poems and songs by the Eng. Prof. and see what she thought might be suitable for admission to the various literary zines. Apparently one of which is nationally recognized or something.
That was a truly frightening thing. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but my writing tends to be pretty intensely personal and shit? So every time I show it to someone it’s really anxiety causing. So I’m walking around with the total, as if I was about to perform, butterflied stomach. That’s a pleasant image isn’t it?
Also managed to begin to get some resolution to an ongoing issue by means of a random and chance encounter. So the whole missing the bus thing has it’s upsides after all. It is an example of how those corners turned and not turned can really be influential on one’s life.
But really I have next to nothing clever nor witty to say, I think it’s all been sucked out by trying to schmooze teachers and make them see my genius-ity.
I again refer back to the impending first school vacation and how I will blissfully collapse for upwards of 5-6 days while imbibing holiday foods. I can’t wait. Now I know how my niece feels when she comes home from college and doesn’t want to do stuff.
Incidentally, she needs a good secret club nomiker like everyone else has, as does the sister. Any bright ideas?
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