Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is a service of marriage that I developed and then performed recently as my first time acting as officiant.

Beloved friends, I stand before you, and this couple,
______ and ______
to unite them as matrimonial partners.

_____ and ____,
you are marrying because you enjoy each others company,
and want to be together.
People partner to grow in humanity, and in love, more fully.
Partnering creates new family.
Let us all be joyous and thankful in this days new creation.

To help insure a healthy marriage,
do value each other.
Respect each others feelings, needs, and desires.
Do, be of love, a little more careful than of anything else.
you will laugh and cry, be well and ill,
be happy and angry, share and grow.
You will be sharing your lives,
but do not forget that you are separate people.
Cherish and affirm your differences.

As we here are witnesses to this union, and are of your community,
it is our wish for you both, that in all areas of your lives, you will find:
mutual support, transformative love, abounding patience,
calm strength, blessed compassion, growing wisdom,
and resounding joy.

Do you ____ agree to wed _____?

(REPLY) ______, with this ring I vow to respect and nurture, you, our love and our union and agree to be wed with you.

Do you ____ agree to wed _____?

(REPLY) _____ with this ring I vow to respect and nurture, you, our love, and our union and agree to be wed with you

As ____ and ____ have agreed to wed,
and posses a valid marriage license,
by the authority vested in me by The State of Michigan,
I pronounce them to be married.
