Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I’ve noticed a lame trend on the internet. A marked resurgence in the epithet “douche”. Everybody is calling everybody one all over the place. The really annoying part is that almost none of them can spell it correctly. Maybe it’s because I’m female (and I’m betting dollars to donuts that most of these folk aren’t) that I have pretty much always known the correct spelling. I’m seeing duch, doshe, dushe, doche, douch. Douch is one of my favourites. It’s like a little Homer-ism. As if he fell and skinned his knee. But really, it’s a little ridiculous to use it iffen you can’t even spell it

Now when I was a kid and you called someone “douche bag” it seemed to connote that that one was just a right slimy, piece of work. Now it’s just taking the place of jerk. Why not just say jerk then. I’m sure it’s more highly spell-able. Although I am eagerly anticipating the day I see jurk. Or possibly jirk.

The best part of doing a little wiki on the subject was learning about the Nugent Score.
This is “a Gram stain scoring system of vaginal smears to diagnose bacterial vaginosis.” Somehow hearing Nugent and douche bag together made it feel just right.


Thursday, February 21, 2008


“Having the same period and phase”
It’s odd. Repeatedly.
Just when things are bad, quite bad. And I’m angry, so angry. And depressed. An odd series of events frequently occurs. They don’t have to be big, just oddly arising out of the muck (like the spontaneously arising lotus) which, if I’m paying attention, remind me that this is how real magic works. In it’s time. For my ultimate benefit. And without force and manipulation. Not to buy me a cadillac, but to remind me that there is some method to this madness.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Request lines are open

There was no overt, instantaneous earworm this morning. However I made the head radio play several nice pieces in succession, due to immediately beginning to fret and second guess myself over compilation list choices. Some Bowie (I shan’t say which until the disc comes out) then XTC - Senses Working Overtime, then the Dukes Of The Stratosphere - Collideascope. Each just flowing one from the other as ideas do.

Yesterday’s was a little embarrassing so I tried to pretend it didn’t happen. But I’ll fess up now. It was Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down”. My excuse is that I had read several days ago about him and some other “liberal” musicians essentially giving Republican politicians stand down and cease and desist type directives concerning using their music as campaign theme music.
It’s not that I don’t actually like quite a lot of Tom Petty’s stuff. I just didn’t want to have to admit it in such a public forum.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Excitement is a’brewin’

I have already gotten Nigel’s “Best of Nigel”. Apparently Oliver is almost done with his. And I am (of course) making a list first, then to be translated to disc. We have an offer from the Northwest. SO, who else wants in?


Moldy Oldies AM Earworms

Big Girls Don’t Cry - Franki Valli & The Four Seasons
Come & Go with Me - The Beach Boys, Clarence Quick and others

I don’t know why those where sitting there, on the top of my head, when I awoke. They don’t appear to have anything to do with the dream I was having that I was working in a teashop in Britain when the Queen called asking us not to serve (American not British) lemonade to her brother-in-law.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Na na na gonna have a good time. Hey hey hey!

OK I’m ready to come out with this. Nigel (of course) has already been apprised and I’m hoping to drag Oliver & UBU in as well. But, here’s my idea for those willing to participate. (Mr. Salvadore Dali Parton, I envision yours could be fascinating as well).

After some conversations about what a great radio show the lot of us cooperatively could have, were we ever given a slot and a shot, it occurred to me to try this in the interim:

We each make a disc stuffed chock full of our very favourite tunes.
Then I collect them all, make copies and distribute the new ones to the other participants.
It’s a can’t lose. For the effort of racking one’s brains for the top 20 (or so) all time personal favourites you get three or four most interesting peeks into someone else's musical soul.
And you might just learn something before we’re through.

(If the Fat Albert Show references aren’t doing it for you just ignore that part).



Yesterday the AM earworm radio was tuned funny. Or maybe, given today as well, there has been a format change w/out my consent. Cuz when I awoke yesterday it was clearly talk radio.
Today it was some funny little novelty song that as far as I know doesn’t actually exist.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

42 hours

Whoot! I saw the first salt truck at 9 this morning. And the snow started when? Was that about 3pm on Tuesday? Wow, that’s what I call a great response.
The neighboring towns are laughing and/or cursing at us.


Earworm redux

Blackberry Way - The Move. Again. That’s sort of odd. I wish I’d paid more attention to what sort of day I ended up having last month when it popped as well. Maybe it’s a secret signal of something.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I blame bi-pedalism

This cold thing has hung on for way too long. I am simply not accustomed to this level of sneezy snottiness. There may be a lot of other things I deal with, but on the rhino-V front, I’m used to 10 to 24 hours of discomfort and bitchiness and I’m done for the year.

I remember seeing some show or reading some article which showed how our sinus cavities hadn’t really evolved with us when we finally stood up. It implied that that is potentially the cause of much of our misery in the schnoz dept. in this life.

Would I crawl around the house for a day if I thought it would help? Probably yes.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I need a final solution

OK here’s the deal.
Last Weds. I got on the (late) bus home from school at 5:25pm. That bus got me downtown at 6:40pm.
Today I got on the (very late) bus home from school at 4:10pm and got off at State and Catherine at about 6:38pm and walked the rest of the way. In the snowstorm. I got home at about 7pm after walking out of the school at 3:35pm.

The traffic situation in this town is completely out of control. There is absolutely no reason that a snow storm, in Michigan, which was heavy but not that bad, that’s been anticipated for 2 or 3 days, should cause the insane amount of snarlage that I have been seeing.

This is just crazy. I saw not one, single, city truck out plowing or salting.


AM Earworm

Pink Elephants On Parade - Dumbo Soundtrack
Yesterday it was “I Wanna Be like You” from the Jungle Book Soundtrack. No surprise as I just bought that. But the apparent ongoing Disney fest? I dunno. Much as I hate Disney (and I really, really do) they had some great songwriters.

The Sherman brothers wrote a lot of that 60’s, 70’s Disney stuff and I just love the Shermans. Robert was sort of the 60’s placeholder between Spike Jones and Weird Al. Somehow we were exposed to him (I’m not clear who amongst my parents chose to bring home the LP) and I became enamored. Enough to have picked up one of those 5 disc Rhino Records collections a few years back when there was actual money in my life. I had to admit after a couple hours of it, that unless you’re 6 there is only so much song parody, room, in one’s head.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Blanket's best

The cats decide that all other, regular, spots can go hang when a blanket is pulled out. After a short struggle for supremacy they just settle in together.

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Oh my fricking God!

I am so over this weather. I am so over winter. D’ya hear me? I am O-V-E-R it!!!

And here’s the rub and the bitch about group work in school - I told the two freaks I was paired up with in lab, who were both sick, that they had better not give me their plague. And they did.
I mean I gave them each a packet of Emergen-C and every thing. And I get this nasty cold for returns. Argghh. I’ve been totally Charlie Browned. Tomorrow I get to stand at the bus stop in 10 degrees with this fucking cold. Oh, just, double F you, Mama Nature, you are so workin’ my last nerve.


AM earworms

Limbo Rock - ?
Followed by
A Trip to The Fair - Renaissance


Friday, February 08, 2008


I just LOVE those auspicious numbers!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Numbers I’m Noticing

• 6 - recent deaths around me since, and including, Naan. That makes an average of one per month since September. Of course they’ve been more clumpy than that in reality.
• 20 - year anniversary (which I totally overlooked) of not being a wastrel. The actual date was Dec. 17. It just flowed over and I didn’t notice till last night. It’s good to no longer need to be a counter of days and years.
• 1 - Really bad prognosis. Not of me but affecting me.
• 18 - 23 - Cigarettes per day appears to be too much for my system to feel real comfortable with. But I am having trouble telling myself no on this.
• 5 - Completely weird cocktails I invented the other night at a fabulous little soiree I needed to attend to combat SAD and ennui. The most notable was basically a fizzy Kamikaze. Stoli’s, Cointreau, Roses and Pellegrino water = Yummy.
• 4 - X’s per day. That’s the new feeding regimen for the cats since we switched over to all canned food to help Jetson become a healthy, normal cat. While it is totally working on that aspect, it’s a bit of a pain in my arse.
• 32 - Years that I’ve known my friend Violet. That’s just a whole lot.
• 5 - Days since my last post
• Hundreds of things I’m supposed to be doing right now instead of this.

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