Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Oh I forgot to mention in all the goings on, the amazing meal Uncle Bunny and I threw together on Sunday.
He had called me and asked me how I felt about a crab leg steamup. Unbeknownst to him I had a passel in my freezer also. When he showed up I already had 3/4 Lb. butter drawn, a bundle of beautiful tiny asparagus steamed, and a pot of basmati rice going.
He brought his crab and a super intense chocolate baked custard and we ate crab until we couldn’t eat anymore crab. Which is saying a lot, as I’ve never engaged in that particular decadence previously. There was crab left over. Inconceivable.


Well I just got taken down a notch, make that 2 notches. Oh fuck me to tears, just make it 6 or 7. What has brought our heroine so low? Chapter 2 of the biology book. Chemistry and atomic weights and what is this borrowing electrons stuff? My current theory is to just read it even if I have no comprehension. It’s the teachers job to make me comprehend right?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Right foot, left foot

Today was also good. Doable and promising.
I’m very excited that I get to do a project on Shirley Jackson for English Lit. She is one of my favourites. I wonder if I can borrow all those novels from Herbert’ Ouiseau. Actually I should just buy up the ones I don’t have. “The Road Through The Wall” is really hard to find though. It was out of print for years.
There’s just nothing like a good drunken, schizoid, psychic writer, with the gimlet eye to pierce right through the travesties of suburbia and class.

There certainly is a vast range of folk out there. (School). There are the children. There are the large, overgrown children. There are the children (particularly female) who look like small versions of their future adult selves. There are the boys who are just perpetually teetering in that long, odd twilight before they actually become men. There are the adults who have the slightly hunted, driven look of those who need or want to become something other than what they currently identify as. (I believe I resemble that remark.) There's more, I'll catalogue them eventually.
Then there is that other legendary college and university institution, the pussy patrol. My god, it’s like cruising Cass corridor in the old days. The place is just seething with pheromones. Now, I think I potentially get why some teachers “love” teaching.
Example 1: I’m slogging down the hallway to the reading center, dragging my 30 pounds of books behind, wending in and out of the sticky clusters of youths, I dodge around 2 people glued to the floor, and squeeze past a tall, skinny possibly Arabic hip hopper. Backwards baseball cap, baggies, the usual bit. He gives me the once over and the “ How you dooin’?”. I’m thinkin’ “are you KIDDING me?”
Example 2. Then there was the long searching stare from Dungeon Master, lord of the gaming table of the land of cafeteria. Until his girl came up and essentially peed on him, just to make it all perfectly clear. The Dungeon Master looks a little less masterly when blushing guiltily.
I guess it’s OK, it’s been quite some time since I’ve been hit on by anyone other than the Coke delivery driver, or the milkman. Just sniffing up all that sexizone is probably good for this old, jaded heart.

Dear old golden rule days

Well, other than being completely screwed by AATA, and therefore missing drum class, it has been quite a promising day.
(A) I didn’t puke.
(B)Having seen all the syllabi, I can’t see any good reason why I should not be able to pull all A’s in school barring any unforeseen catastrophe.
(C) We met with a perky young woman who is potentially interested in playing keyboards. And her interests are music, creative writing and psych. Sweet!!!!

Piano class looks quite entertaining as hoped. Of course there is always someone who just irks one from the get go.
In piano it was a fairly cute little brunette, dressed head to toe in velvet renaissance garb. At the end of class she busts out playing Pachabel’s Canon. Everything about her was about “look at me”. But she lacked subtlety and finesse. That's typical youth.
Now the likelihood is good that this makes me annoyed and uncomfortable because I was SO a little kid like that. It looks like both an ego trip and simultaneously a terrible insecurity. The garb is armor, armor carries the implication of challenge. I then tend to think she wants some Big Daddy to come along and subdue her. She bears further observation. (I guess that means it works eh?)
The teacher lectured with his eyes closed a lot. That was odd, for a nano second I thought he was blind.
In Math class there was a young woman with a shirt that barely covered her nipples, (I have to admit to sneaking quite a few peeks, she had nice ones).
There was a girl with pink and green hair and spikes on her neck, there was a boy in a Korn T- shirt who looked really alienated and really sleepy, and yet the instructor singled me out and commented on my tattoo’s. I was wearing one of my slickest, super styliest outfits and they were only visible about 3 inches below the sleeves, I was going to cover but it was really hot yesterday.
I’m like, why me? It made me nervous. But it also caused me to look at him from the sexual perspective, maybe that was his objective.
All right I really should go and get ready for today's round.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Im not quite walking on sunshine, and neither are a lot of other folk

Yeah, OK, this is it, the big day, wish me luck. I feel positively nauseous
And as usual, but frequently not quite so big drama, some lives are beginning, some lives are ending, some are being enriched, some are being destroyed.
Katrina and the Waves, How weird is that in retrospect?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lawd, I am so tired, how long can this go on.

Holy Carp Batman, I have worked my butt off today. The usual store thing in the morning, then I steam cleaned 4 rooms carpets. I’m through, it’s Saturday I’m taking the rest of the weekend off to get ready for the craziness of Monday.
One of the rooms is this one - it’s craiglisted right now on room/share.
The thing is, anyone who want’s to live in that room has to be really together. I’m not just saying that because we want to live with someone reasonable, although we do. It’s more that this is one of the more haunted rooms in the house. Anyone who lives there who is unbalanced, ungrounded or has addictive problems usually loses their mind.
You think I’m full of hyperbole don’t you? Well, a few years ago I had a very interesting conversation with the youngest of the family I had bought the house from. She asked me if the house was still haunted, particularly that room, which used to be hers.
So I’m not bullshitting here. While several very grounded people have done OK in there, others have gone straight over the edge. Some are dead, some are crazy, and a couple have been able to bounce back.
So yez pays yer monies and yez takes yer chances.


There's not much that's ruder than an alarm clock. Especially on a Saturday. Work, bah humbug.

Friday, August 26, 2005


This is how I spent a couple hours yesterday. I must have racked up some good clothes karma giving away clothes recently, as I found a ton of stuff. When you’re a fat girl that’s not so easy to do. I could go on in raptures about cherry red, pure Shetland wool sweaters, silk shirts, insane red plaid skirts, black rayon skirts from India and more, more, more. Also a couple decent black bags as the coach Lizard Breath gave me is too bulky to carry with a HUGE bookbag.
Oh, and a gorgeous white damask tablecloth for FIVE BUCKS!!!!
I will now have to re-up the good clothes karma by going back through and getting rid of another big bunch, as well as make room, since my closet is the smallest.
I may have a fuck you attitude about many things, but this girl does like to have a little styley thing going on. Yes, when it comes to clothes I succumb through and through. However I refuse to shop retail, except for unders and shoes. Yup, I loves me some Value World and thrift shopping. And trust me, I worked Value World like an old pro yesterday.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


It’s not as close, so not as painful, but sad to catch more glimpses of more friends tubing.
I think the current situation is just too much.
Possibly, probably, worse than the 80’s and Reagonomics.
Those without rock hard resilience are seeming to just choose some form of oblivion.
I think I have a really, really solid core.
I hope I endure.

Dead and dying things on my way to work

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Cooler than school

So Im seeing that I’ve been getting visits from Texas. That’s neat. I thought it oddly coincidental as I had taken Lizardbreaths advice and started writing short stories about my dubious adventures as a sometimes missing and often exploited child, and the one I’m working on is about my time in Texas at 15.
But then even more exciting was to get a hit from Europe. (Sorry Texans, it's just that international mystique thing.) To be more specific, after breaking out the international Atlas, somewhere around Sunderland or Middlesbrough.
It occured to me that this is sort of an equivalant of those school projects where they put a message in a bottle or inside a balloon and wait to see where it ends up. This is cool. Thanks so much for playing.

Monday, August 22, 2005

It's the middle of the night, AGAIN

Erghhh, frickin nightmares. This one was particularly creepy and now I’m not sure if I can go back to sleep.
As I pointed out before, it all appears to be blood sugar related. But in this one someone was ringing my doorbell in the middle of the night which caused me to get up and realize there was an intruder.
So now I can’t figure out if someone actually rang and it incorporated, or, me being the superstitious type, I’m all freaked that it was a psychic warning.
Also I guess I was more creeped out by the episode of Dr. Who that was rerun tonight than I realized, because now I’m thinking there’s some little kid with a gas mask standing on my porch in the dark.
And as the cat figured out I’m awake, she is insisting on being on my lap, running the super motah - botah purr (you know, the one that sounds like a small outboard) which makes me paranoid that I’m missing hearing something.
Did I ever mention that my house is haunted? I don’t think I did. Well it is, and normally it’s fine and we all get along OK as long as I don’t go in the basement at night alone.
It keeps itself pretty low key most of the time, shadows and muttering primarily.
If you think I’m nutters, let me assure you that everyone notices it eventually, even the super skeptics like my engineer friend Strudel-Queen.
The biggest, clearest (in terms of more than one person being able to verify) episode was when Oliver and I were eating dinner in the dining room, and someone went RARGGHH, quite loudly, in the kitchen.
We just laughed and kept eating. I mean, what are you gonna do?
And most of the time it’s no big deal. But when I wake up in that loneliest part of the night it’s a little freaky. The hackles are in that place where they are on alert ready to be raised, which in itself gives one the creeps.
I tend to think that one reason people become so frightened when in the presence of what (most simply) is called supernatural activity is because you’re body just feels so damn weird when it senses the unusual electromagnetics associated with such activity. That in itself seems to begin it’s own cycle of fear and heightened senses. Then fear and heightened senses. Then throw in the brain making up stuff like crazy to try account for what’s going on. The pattern seeking part jumbling in with the rationalizing part which is warring with the primordial cortex. It’s sending this huge barrage of mixed messages and people just go right over the top.
Speaking of which, something just went bang and made me jump. The rational part immediately soothing me with ”OK track the cat, it’s probably the cat”
Which, she just popped up so, 50 - 50 chance it was her.
And now the brain is busily occupied in trying to remember the lyrics to the Frank Zappa song by that name (50 - 50). See how goofy it all gets?
This is why I can’t wait to get past all this trifling post high school part of college and into what I’m dying to study, IT’S THE MIND.
(I’m sort of assuming you’ve all seen enough Monty Python to appreciate that.)
I’m going to attempt to catch another hour and a half of sleep now, as I think I’m somewhat calmed down. Maybe I’ll dream of something soothing like spell - check

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The meaning of life is 42

That is my motto for this year

List Of Cool Birthday Stuff

Dinner at The Blue Nile
A bill organizer thingy
A bobble head monk
A necklace of Hindu saints and dieties pictures
A green blank book
A carton of really good smokes
A bottle of really nice champagne
A bouquet of red and yellow roses
4 potted lilies for the yard
A living Proteus plant
A toy harmonica
A Devo de-evolution DVD
many lovely phone calls and emails
6 versions of happy birthday sung to me (one by the famous Psyche)
6 free bagels
A Siouxsie and The Banshees pin
I got to take 2 special people out to eat

I think we’ve come a bit of a ways from my 16th, when my present was my first IV habit. I wrote a poem about it. Wanna hear it? It goes like this:

The 16th Birthday Present

Out the window
rain has become
a steel gray sheet on concrete
I turn back
to this room
get the plasti-wrapped glass
from the sink
fill it with water
drink it down
silvered like rain in lamplight
which glances
on the spoon
sends white shadows to the ceiling
Works don't reflect
they draw
where they lay
on the table
tiny radiant shaft
the spike pulls
dope draws deep through me
in the mirror
I glow

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cuz its your day, cuz it's your special day.........

OOOH! we are so excited. Radiolady does not have to move and it appears that Jerkface McJerkison is. All I can say is if you have an issue with gay folk don’t move to this neighborhood. He ended up with one in front, two behind and one on the side. Then proceeded to take it out on them.
(A) They were here first.
(B) You are a jerk.
(C) Don’t be a frickin’ asshole to your ex, on our street, in front of your kids.
So Dali Madison brought food and Radiolady over. And there was much, much rejoicing and hearty well wishes all around.
I realize I’m a bit starting to turn into a journal slacker but time is becoming hard to come by. I can’t imagine what it’s gonna be like when school starts. All I’m doing is try to work more, earlier in the week so I can have a little extra free time this weekend. (It’s the birthday thing.)
I just want to go out for food as much as possible for as cheap as possible. So far the week got off to a good start with going to Floyd’sMom’s for dinner on Monday. She made a most spectacular Thai soup- with lemon grass, coconut milk, lamb, spinach, holy basil and cellophane noodles. Served in big ass bowls with a little Edamame fer snackin’, it was deee-licious. Then we got just the teeniest bit altered and sat on the pavilion of her swanky condo by the FOUNTAIN OUTSIDE HER DOOR!! and watched Monday’s brilliant sunset.
Tuesday I was schvmimmin and watched the sunset from in the lake.
Last night was practice, so we were busy making noise instead of watching sunset. But at every break Karl LaFong and I were porch sitting, so we did get to check out the awesome moon.
It should be full on my Birthday. Now in the old days full moon on my birthday on a Friday would have absolutely been taken as a sign to perform some wild ritual with dubious sacraments that take 10 to 12 hours to fully process. But lord with all these health problems, I just feel like somewhere along the middle I would start obsessing over this huge scar and the crazy various lumps, bumps and masses they left in my guts and just freak out irrevocably.
Or one could see it as an opportunity to make peace and come to real spiritual terms with the ruin that was once my insides. Ehhh its too chancy to take the chance. Think I’ll settle for going for Mediterranean for lunch with Lizardbreath, seafood for dinner with Oliver. Then Sat. the family tribe will converge upon the Ethiopian restaurant as we always do for birthdays. The punk rawk nephew’s birthday being 2 days after mine, we split the difference. Don’t tell him, but he’s getting a Devil Girl pillow.
I’m also debating, somewhere along the way, picking up a bottle of Perrier Jouet, (ouch expensive), or at least Henri’ (MUCH cheaper but still decent and French) and using some of the Chambord that’s been sitting on the shelf for ages. A little Kir Royale sounds mighty tasty and special. That is the only way you can tempt me with liquor nowadays, Champagne or vodka tonics. And man, am I a cheap date, the minute it hits the tongue I can feel it. Sounds exciting, I can’t wait to try it.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Mmmm Brekkie

Ahh Sunday, that means it's sounds of the Subcontinent day, so I’m starting it off with a little AZN TV Show Biz India with my breakfast.
Later this afternoon we’ll tune all the radios to WCBN for what is usually a long mellow afternoon of various international music with Sounds of the Subcontinent being the highlight.
I think it’s rubbing off a little as some of Oliver's guitar solos are taking a distinctly Eastern tinge lately
I guess that’s an appropriate way to express it. If there’s “western twang” then “eastern tinge” makes sense.

French Toast. When I was a kid we had french toast infrequently. When we did, I liked to take my last piece, butter it, leave it to get cold, then eat it. For some reason this completely freaked my Mother. She would attempt to argue me into putting Log Cabin on it and eating it “hot for Christ’s sake”.
There is something about cold buttered french toast that really does it for me Ma, why is this such an issue?
Many of my Mother’s food freakouts I’m glad of now. No soda, that one has stood me in good stead. To this day I can’t just drink a soda. It is a rare and guilty pleasure.
Also no Hostess. Hostess was owned by ITT and ITT was making bombs intended for Hanoi. Whether this was true or not I don’t know, but I’ve never eaten a Twinkie and it was only in the last year that I attempted a Dolly Madison fruit pie, (they’re owned by Hostess now I guess).
I threw out 7/8ths of it. Normally I have huge guilt throwing out food, but as I’m pretty sure it wasn’t, I didn’t bat an eye.
And while there seems to be some difference of experience on this one, my recollection of cereal is that we were allowed 1 carefully watched leveled teaspoon of sugar. Never, ever, were we allowed to purchase any cereal with marshmallows in it.
I do remember that somehow Cap’n Crunch passed the litmus test. How that occurred is unclear. I suspect a rare occasion when the elder sibs must have worked in collusion to wear her down and I reaped the benefit or evil as the case may be.
There were perpetual milk and butter battles. When I was very young she would take half skim milk and mix it with water and powdered milk and shake it up in a yellow plastic jug with a blue top. When she died and my Dad was cleaning a bunch of kitchen stuff out it went straight into the give away pile. No one wanted that thing for remembrances.
She used to cry and beg me to stop eating butter. “My Father died from butter” she would weep. I’d say “Ma that margarine crap is the very devil, just trust me, butter is better.” Turns out I was right, Ma, all that denying yourself, you poor thing. Fucking Drs. made her life miserable.
They made her stop eating eggs. So once a month she would treat herself to an egg white omelet. I remember once she had made it all nice with a little orange garnish and what not, and put it out on the picnic table. She went back for something, probably salt substitute, and some frickin’ beagle came along and snagged it. She was completely wrecked.
She used to freak that I would eat a lot of avocados. I used to split ‘em, then fill the cavity with salsa and eat it with a spoon, YUMMM!
She’d say “That’s nothing but pure fat!” and I’d say “it’s green fat, it’s different” turns out I was right about that also.
The problem really was, that she came from a generation where if the Dr. said take two aspirin every four hours that is exactly and precisely what one did. Not one jot more or less.
If John Kennedy said ask not, then you asked what you could do for your country.
If Truman said buy war bonds then you saved your nickels and you bought ‘em by crackey.
She was raised to believe in God’s authority but when she no longer could, she could not shake off having people she perceived as authorities tell her what to do and how to eat, medicate and live. I think she was kinda miserable because her house was never really clean and her children were crazy wild and really avid self-medicators.
Me? I like me some buttered french toast with real eggs, and real maple syrup once in awhile and I don’t give a fuck what some suit tells me about it. In fact, just straight out, no suits at the table.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Attractive Vermin

Speaking of which, there are SO MANY skunks in my neighborhood.
It really seems out of proportion. It seems to me that if there were this many skunks in an average woods every other animal living there would be continually skunked. Seems like one would notice that.
There is a also a clan of Albino skunks in this particular area. And apparently (according to my neighbor) they are bigger and crazier than the regular skunks.
Maybe they’re sort of like those plague people on Omega Man. What was that they used to scream/moan at him? Something with his name....Harris, Norris, Nelson, Nielson? Shit, the James Bond movie I’m watching is distracting me. They’re having the underwater SCUBA fight.
I have a copy of the movie the Omega man was a remake of. I believe it’s called the Last Man On Earth and it stars Vincent Price. The plague makes people into vampires instead. So he’s got his house all ringed round with garlic. It’s a little cheezy due to the vampire factor but it’s got some great really dark moments. Like when he goes to this completely freaky huge plague pit where they’re burning the victims and he’s looking for his daughters corpse. Ya gotta see it. For the 50’s it’s pretty good.
I haven’t seen Damnation Alley for a really long time. They used to show that on a semi-regular basis. I could kinda dig seeing that again. Man, when I was young I had a really major thing for Jan-Michael Vincent. Starting from when he was on The Banana Splits on Danger Island. I hated Danger Island but I would watch it for the JMV factor. There was a movie he was in called “Sandcastles” but no one else I know has ever seen it or heard of it.
See, the problem here is that on Thursdays I have Sign Language class. That means I get to have an extra cup of tea. I had it at 5 and I still can’t sleep.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Story III

Once upon a time my parents had a farm in Hillsdale MI. It was 40 acres with a ten acre wood lot and a series of springs and ponds.
Early on my parents would drag me down there every weekend to hang out while they did Mother Earth News stuff. I entertained myself OK I guess. I mucked in water, dug Hobbit holes and built forts in the woods.
I’d try to always drag a friend along. Luckily that was the era when people thought camping built strong women out of little girls. So they would push their daughters into going.
But Christ I really hated that place. Finally it got to where fighting over it became way more obnoxious than the peace of the country could ever make up for.
So they started leaving me home, ostensibly under the care of my sibs who were actually quite busy teenagers.
One result was that I’ve seen every Russ Meyers and Fellini film there are. I’m pretty sure anyway. I might have missed a few but it sure doesn’t seem possible.
I’ve also seen just a huge slew of 70’s soft core and “Art” porn. They didn’t hide the key to the cable censoring lock box well, at all.
This was when I was about 11 to 14. It became mixed in my mind with stuff like Mad Magazine, National Lampoon, Louisa May Alcott, The Happy Hooker, Hunter Thompson, Little House On The Prairie, Carlos Castenada, and Burroughs, and my head got all twisted into a funny shape.
This is a picture of our BuckyFullMinster Dome after it got all twisted into a funny shape in 60 MPH Hillsdale County line winds.

The Dan Tobin Code

4:30 in the morning and the phones ringing, I’m dreaming of cranberries (I have a UTI, one of the frequent side effects from the botched surgery). In my dream I hear the phone and am saying “maybe they can help - go answer the phone”
So I wake up to answer the phone, thinking befuddledly that I can ask whoever it is to go to Kroger (that translates to Tops, Safeway, Jewel, Piggly Wiggly, Waitrose and Sainsburys in other parts of the English speaking world) and get me some cranberry capsules.
I look at the caller ID and it’s originating from the local hospital.
I always answer the phone in the middle of the night if it’s from the hospital. I have an elderly parent among other things. Of course it doesn’t occur to me in those dazed moments that he’s off in Montana partying it up on some mountain, learning how to count votes or maintain the democracy or something.
So I answer the phone, a pleasant tenor who sounds quite concerned asks for Mary Tobin, to which I naturally reply, “I think you’ve got the wrong number”. There are a few more cursory negatory phrases exchanged. No Tobin's at this number and the like, and I hang up and am now awake and thinking about cranberries.
Also thinking about this Tobin thing. It’s getting weird. I like this one website, Surgical Strikes by Dan Tobin (It’s having a little humour difficulty at the moment but I have faith he’ll figure it out). Then we were supposed to audition a keyboardist first name Tobin who we’ve been talking about for some time. Then it seems like someone who knew someone last named Tobin was talking about them recently and now I’m getting mystery calls for Tobins. Is this some sort of Tobin is risen and will be my messiah prep? Or am I being warned that the Tobin invaders are heading here from the Tobin galaxy? If any of you are Tobins, could you please confirm or deny that you have placed pods in my basement?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Throwing the yarrows

As of the 26th I’m a full time student. I went in, got the placement tests, met with the counselors, got the financial aid forms in, found out how to find out stuff. People were a lot more friendly than I had anticipated. Every staff person I had to deal with was actually very nice, to, nice enough to be helpful.
I tried this new approach in Canada, which was when I went in to a store, to say up front “Hi, I’m a dumb American, I don’t know how to do this relatively easy thing, can you help me?” It not only worked, it made us laugh and put us all at ease right away.
I used the same technique here. I walked in places and just said “Look, I only have a vague idea of how to do it, but here's what I want to do, here are my efforts so far, what can you tell me about where to go and what to try next?”
People really responded well.
But now it’s pretty much as if I have taken my entire life and just thrown it up in the air like Jackstraws and will just have to see where it all falls out. I don’t know where the money is to come from for any of this. I don’t know how we’ll eat. I don’t know if we will have the highly necessary roommate. I don’t know a damn thing and in a way its more a good feeling than scary. It’s exciting, a challenge, a rekindling of the old street hustler skills.
But underneath there is also suspicion and wariness. The knowledge that at any time the frickin’ worst could happen. Get in the the wrong car, take the hot hit handed to you, walk into the strangers house. The super keen ability to look ahead around the corners is being activated and it’s going to have to permutate if it is going to be of any real assistance here.
But people are the same in essence wherever you meet them, and if I can just remember that and put them into context, well that’s where the skills I’ve been building on ever since the streets will come in.
It’s really odd though that 20 years after I should have picked up my Bachelors, I’m just getting started, but as I said to the counselor I was working with, “I’ve got 20 years ahead if I’m really, really, lucky, and I’ve got a thing to do.”

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The flowers seem to like it

Charlie Daytona (bass) and Karl LaFong (drums) were over last night. We was making sweet, hot, sweaty music. Christ it’s been hot.
The cat just lays there looking at me piteously as if along with the food I dole out the weather. If I did, I’d dole out Hawaii’s weather year round. Mid 70’s all day everyday with a refreshing rain at dawn and sunset.
Saw the Henry Darger movie (In The Realms Of The Unreal) the other night. It made me cry like the dickens but it also inspired me to write my dissertation on him, as a prime example of the use and value of personal mythology.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Cat + fan = sleepy

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I’d like to teach the world to think

The newest version goes something like
“I’d like to teach the world to chill
take time to stop and smile
I’d like to buy the world a Coke (TM)
and chill with it a while”
When this stupid, creepy, fake hippie, crapitude first came out I was about 9 years old. I had a room full of Jack Wilde and Bobby Sherman posters, plastic inflatable flowers and peace sign pillows, I was probably wearing a plastic ecology sign necklace and still, I was not buying that line of shite.
In fact it was so very Parkay margarine schmaltzy it actually caused me to take a bit of a harder look at myself and start backing off just a little.
A couple years later when I heard Frank Zappa sing
“Every town must have a place where phony hippies meet
psychedelic dungeons popping up on every street”
I’d see in my mind’s eye that rinsed out blonde in the Ophelia dress with her daisy head singing crap to sell crap.
Dear Coca-Cola,
We weren’t fooled by your cultural co-opting then, and I doubt very much that the kids whose culture you’re seeking to co-opt now, are buying it either. The fact that you use chill twice in the same verse to attempt to doubly emphasize the very hipness of the very white boy singing, just causes me to say feh, no, make that double feh.
Thanks a bunch for decades of crapitude.

Monday, August 01, 2005

A better end to a hard day,

Lake, Devilgirl pillows, and Ben & Jerrys chocolate fudge brownie ice-cream. (I realize it looks kinda poo-like, but I assure you it's not)

Stella was a tow-head too

Another Sunday, another BBQ.
Busy, busy trying to catch up after taking a good bit of time off in the last couple weeks. Working Weds. through Sat. solid with a couple classes thrown in. Then Sun. cleaning the house frantically and cooking up a mess ‘o’ stuff before the guests arrive.
Let’s see- I made vegetarian baked beans, (who knew? I made the recipe up off the top of my head and they were tasty.) Yer basic slaw, yer basic melon, corn on the cob, (our market always has great corn, don’t know why). BBQ’d country style ribs, (they were ok, but not my best endeavor). Burgers, dogs and the ubiquitous, fabulous teriyaki steak.
Uncle Bunny made raita and caramel custard. Delicious. Nitro Von Borax and family made bruschetta, yum. Photobug and Mum brought more dogs and wine. And it was all topped off by ice cream cones from xtina and family. (I saw a couple people do 2). As usual it seemed to all work out well with a nice rounded menu. I’m lucky that way I guess.
xtina also brought lots of pins, stickers, comics and indie zines. People were scooping on the stickers and pins especially.
I got a chance to do a little mild dirt dishing with Photobug as I knew he’d have the low down on a couple of rumours making the rounds. I was particularly glad to hear a former band mate was not stepping out on the wife, as has been bandied about lately. There’s not a real connection anymore but one doesn’t like to hear that a 25 or more years relationship has gone south.
Meanwhile Nitro was pointing out to his mate Eva Destruction, that they are about to hit their 15th anniversary. Holy crap where did the time go?
They were lucky though, they met 19 years ago and ZAM that was it, they’ve pretty much been together since the day they met.
It got me thinking, what would have happened if I’d really pushed harder when I first met Oliver? That was ‘88. Would we have still been together these 17 years later or would he have been another fucked up memory by now? Cuz I knew from the moment I met him that he was my man. I was just in such a very bad space at the time. I stepped aside for someone else, thinking it was the right thing, the honourable thing, to do.
Again with the luck, it was pure luck (or was it actually some kind of kismet? Could there be some basis to all those kinds of stories?) That I ran across him again and that neither of us had died or really fucked ourselves up too badly in the interim. This time I was not stepping aside for anyone or anything. I had learned enough in the meanwhile to know that frequently one just has to seize the opportunity. One so very rarely gets that second chance.
Swoop. So, back to my day yesterday, we blew bubbles, ate tons and had a lovely time.
Later when Radiolady got home, after examining the crazy, giant, taxidermic turkey that was mysteriously left at her house over the weekend, I had her and our mutual friend Psyche come over and help eat some of the leftovers.
Topped off by an hour and a half phone call, catch up, with Jersey Girl and a little Dove ice-cream. (I had to forego the prior ice-cream as I knew I had it waiting.) I could barely stay awake long enough to do my dailies. And up at frickin’ 7am to start the week off at the market. And now I’ve gotta fly and go to drum class. Jeez, from feast to famine and back again. Speaking of feast, I’m anxiously awaiting my package from Nitro’s Cafe Press store,
Devil girl throw pillows a go-go.