What's not wrong here

(Tcch, Blogger was being bad this AM so heres the picture now. Hmmph)
Mmm lets see if I can write the fastest post ever. Nothing really goes fast on that front as I really am a 6 fingered typist. Hmmm.
RArrrGhhh why do I this to myself? Last night I went to Rinpoche’s birthday party. I had a cup of coffee. It was about 6 pm. I didn’t get to sleep until 3am. The alarm went off as usual at 7. Arrgh.
Ahhh. There is something that isn’t wrong with me. I am so freakin regular, I actually probably don't even need the alarm, it’s just like that. Wahoo.
Sheesh. I cannot get rid of this piano for the life of me. Will someone please just take this thing away? Cripes.
Hey! There’s something else not wrong with me. No high blood pressure. Everyone seems to have it, especially in my family. I think I just process stress differently. I think once you’ve seen what I’ve seen and been where I’ve been you just don’t get as uptight about the regular stuff. Yessss!
PLLLTTTT! Angerboy, that’s just not a reasonable non-response. Get over yourself and it. What the hell? You are just making yourself look really bad, oh, and crazed. Jeeze.
Ahhh. Starting tomorrow I get three days off. And a bonfire to boot. Sweet!
Whoopty doo. Happy birthday RadioLady! Whee ha.
OK. I’ve done what I can, I’m sure I’ve forgotten something. Oh well.
I get angry and it rachetts up my blood pressure and I can do work much faster, then I get all endorphen'y and feel really great, then I come down and get sleepy.
Yes, I've mapped out some of my mood swings.
Just don't publish that map on your blog or you may find yourself at the mercy of the likes of us.
Love it when you talk sexy like that, - Elmira, Adirondecks, you're ticklin this upstate girls heartstrings.
Happy devil's night Charlie Ramone.
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