Friday, August 18, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Taking a meme for the team
1. First movie you remember seeing on the big screen:
“Run Appaloosa Run”. We used to go to the drive-in in our old Plymouth Valiant wagon. I was usually mostly passed out in the back-back so I can just remember snips of various Disney movies. But I distinctly remember being completely awake, involved and in a real theatre for “Fantasia”
2. Movie you can quote multiple lines in your sleep:
“Repo Man”, “The Princess Bride”, “Total Recall”, “Paper Moon”, most Japanese monster movies and Roger Corman flicks.
3. Director dead or alive you would most like to have diner with:
I have no clue. I am not a movie person. I’ll stretch it and say Andy Warhol since he made movies as well. If it has to be a “real” director maybe that woman, Joy somebody, that made the movie about Henry Barger
4. Movie that should have won an Oscar but didn't:
Uhhh yeah
5. Movie that didn't disappoint despite being an adaptation of a book:
6. Movie you were dragged to by someone else, expecting to hate but which you loved:
“The Sting”. My Dad took me and it was probably way out of my league since I was 9 at the time, but I got it and I loved it
7. Movie that scared the crap out of you no matter how many times you see it:
Really hard because most scary movies have enough camp to make them ineffective especially after a while, but a few that have a couple just genuinely creepy moments that don’t go away- “The Exorcist III”, “Prince Of Darkness”, “Suspiria”, “Night Of The Living Dead”.
8. Movie that makes you bawl no matter how many times you see it:
“Imitation Of Life”. The scene with Mahalia Jackson is really cool.
9. Movie that still has you rolling on the floor with laughter no matter how many times you've see it:
Well I’ll use this to talk about what I really wanted to mention which is one of my favourite scenes ever in a movie. In “The War of the Gargantuas”, which is one of my favourite Japanese movies, there is a scene in a nightclub in the round by the ocean. This redheaded howlee is singing a song (later covered by Devo) About how “the words get stuck in my throat” when suddenly green gargantua appears in the opening to the terrace, snatches her up, eats her, then spits out her evening gown like an owl pellet. It just kills me dead every time.
I also love in “The World Of Henry Orient” when at the very end Val says;
“I’ve always wanted a mouth like a crimson gash”,
delightful early 60’s naivete.
But I have a tendency to laugh at really inappropriate times. Like in Beetlejuice when whatshername turns into a skeleton and her head falls off. Or at some big dramatic moment where everyone else is completely caught up and it just strikes me as so fake and ridiculous that I laugh. I just am not a good candidate for movies in the theatre, I am rarely swept up in it. It’s similar to being the one at the comedy club who’s not drinking and missed the warmups. What's so fucking funny?
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Spoon does not exist
I’ve been thinking a lot about matrixing for the past 6 months or so. I think about it every time I sit on the upstairs toilet. The reason being that the lumpy, paint pocked, plaster wall in front of it is prime matrixing material.
I’ve taken to penciling in the faces that I see there. So far there is what appears to be a young girl, a twisted monkey and a grotesque fairly reminiscent of some of the grotesques from cirque de soleil. Then there is the large eye. It stares at you which of the other figures only the girl does.
I think about what causes matrixing to be fairly prevalent. I suspect (and how could I be proved wrong I wonder?) that it’s an evolutionary trait. Especially seeing the eyes first. I suspect that for the ancestors the ability to discern the eyes hidden in the bush and the woodland gave them a biological edge. They got eaten and bitten less, therefore probably breeding more good matrixers.
In conversation with Uncle Bunny yesterday the idea arose that when under population was an issue and healthy breeding a big priority, various sorts of “potlatch” mentality was by far the dominant paradigm. Making sure trade routes remained open, communities setting up mutual assistance and exchange of needed goods and services. Diplomatic and friendship rituals were of supreme importance. Because internecine warfare could wipe out an entire areas population.
The idea that a horribly overpopulated village like this planet would openly encourage the fast decline of those mentalities, instead rewarding those who freely engage in the polar opposite behaviors whenever possible (such as Ken Lay) should be no real surprise. I suppose the barriers of insular communities doesn’t help either. A behavior that becomes more prevalent as fear and paranoia rises.
The birthing of the heralded, alleged Aquarian age certainly seems a long hard labour to those who sit smoking in the waiting room.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Is it an example of the microcosm/macrocosm thing when my teabags come out of the cup all tangled and wierd? Swinging crazily, careening wildly they go slapping into other appliances and refuse to go properly into the trash can.
One ends up under the fridge leaving it’s little skidmark on the excessively warm floor. Which in turn dries it up pretty quickly.
Is it lucky or unlucky karma which causes my life to be this way? Rabbits are meant to be lucky. It’s generally considered lucky to not be dead.