AM earworm
Papa Love’s Mambo - The Stella Magdalen Earworm Orchestra
Labels: Earworms
I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.
We’re back on one of my favourite subjects. Tobacco. Now at this juncture I’ve been down to about six to eight cigarettes a day. I don’t want to hear all this “good for you” and “that’s great” twaddle either. It’s bad enough having to listen to it from the various doctors and such. It wasn’t through choice and there is nothing so very great about it except the amount of money I’m saving. Roll your owns that are not my beloved Export A’s just makes the whole thing a thousand times less fun, and that’s just all of that.
Labels: Tobacco
True To Life
Labels: Poetry
Watching “Coronation Street” gives me major anxiety. 94% of the characters are criminally stupid or sociopathic or completely self involved and self indulgent. Waiting to see the results of the completely bad behavior is a total car crash. So what? Am I supposed to take a pill just to watch my favourite show? No, that would be also criminally stupid. The alternative? Do I have to quit my (relatively harmless) Sunday indulgence as well as so many other favourite activities? Feh. Double feh.
Labels: Psychology
And going even further back....
Labels: Earworm Orchestra, Earworms
Before The Next Teardrop Falls - Freddie Fender
Labels: Earworms
Vibrator Dependent - Mojo Nixon
Labels: Earworms, Personalities