It’s got less sugar than Kellogg’s. So, good for you Post, for not succumbing to the sugar freaks, but on the other hand it’s not quite so tasty as Kellogg’s now is it?
I’m at the local big grocery institution the other day, and I see a sale for 3, count ‘em 3, boxes of Post cereal for 5 bucks. And I’m all like “Wow, that’s just crazy talk” because my experience with cereal lately is that it’s around 4 or 5 bucks a box.
So I purchase a box of Raisin Bran and decided to try for the 1st time, 2 different flavours of Honey Bunches Of Oats.
Now, I read the box, and saw the commercials, and it clearly said Honey Bunches Of Oats. But when I poured it in my bowl I said “but where are all the bunches of O’s?” I can read and hear OK, but apparently that doesn’t mean my brain actually processes what it sees or hears.
We were in the cereal aisle, and I just could not get over the huge picture of Johnny Depp’s face adorning the Pirates of the Caribbean Cereal box. On the one hand I’m not averse to Johnny Depp's pretty face pretty much anywhere, but on the other hand come on, no, really, come on. Would you want to stare at say, Brando while trying to choke down a nutritious breakfast at far too early an hour?
Coming soon to a grocer near you, fresh from SamLas Laboratories, The Wild One Bunch of O’s Cereal.