Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Zombie Blogs
It appears I AM willing to say the incantations necessary to raise blogs from the dead. The double secret blog has been resurrected. This here one is doing well on life support. I am sleeping with the Necronomicon under my pillow and JuJu is dangling delicately in the breeze.
Labels: Blogging, Blowin' Stuff Up
Monday, July 13, 2009
AM Earworm
Rappers Delight - The Sugarhill Gang
Oddly changing, over the first half hour of awakitude, into
Nuages, then to Bolero D’Jango - D’Jango Rheinhart
From the ridiculous to the sublime.
Labels: Earworms
Friday, July 10, 2009
Mo' Meme-in'
1. Who was your FIRST prom date? What is this “prom” you speak of?
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? First off, I was like 3 the first time I was in love. Secondly it was probably my 19 year old, motorcycle riding, cousin. Thirdly he drank himself to death... Oh yeah that poem one entry down is about him so I guess I talk to him, he just doesn't answer.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? Genesee Beer
4. What was your FIRST job? Cleaning the bathroom for a quarter
5. What was your FIRST car? 1977 Ford Maverick, steel gray exterior, black interior
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? I don't do “text”
7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? Rick Moranis
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? Mrs. Decker
9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? Ithaca to Buffalo? Ithaca to Seattle? One of those probably.
10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? Tadpole Morris. Haven’t seen him in the flesh since 1970. Looked at pix of him on classmates about 6 months ago.
11. Where was your FIRST sleep over? Kristin Hammond's or Kris Robinson's? No, probably Julie Connelly.
12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? Jetson if cats count, Oliver if not.
13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time? Only been in one aside from my own, Julia’s wedding from hell. Will possibly never submit to that ever again.
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? Groused at the cat
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to? 1974 -5ish John Denver @ Chrisler Arena
16. FIRST tattoo? Tiny, 2x2, black & gray, piece of flash on upper R arm
17. FIRST piercing? Ears, the old fashioned way - solid needle at the Dr’s. office
18. FIRST foreign country you've been to? Canada
19. FIRST movie you remember seeing? Run Appaloosa Run or Swiss Family Robinson
20. When was your FIRST detention? Skool or legal?
21. What was the FIRST state you lived in? New York
22. Who was your FIRST roommate? Do lovers count? James Thomas
23. If you had one wish, what would it be? Health
24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance? Patience
25. Who do you think will be the next person to post this? Millions of lame nerds like me
Labels: Memes
AM earworm
And Suddenly Seymour - The Little Shop of Horrors Soundtrack
What a great bunch of songs that is/was. Highly under appreciated. Except by the writers on Family Guy.
Labels: Earworms
TheOldGent that I work for popped out with this while we sat on the patio watching the local flora & fauna:
“A bluebird flew into the barber shop
It crapped on the razor
and it crapped on the strop
It would’a crapped on me
but I run too fast”
I asked him if that was from when he was a kid? He confirmed. That puts it at about 1930. Who says they weren’t bold, daring and innovative in them olden days?
Labels: Other People's Poetry
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Now we are 4
Today is the anniversary of this here beast. I get a fresh page too. (I start a new word-processing document every three months). Perhaps that will help the clean slate and reflecting process.
I have learned some serious stuff since I blithely jumped on the blog bandwagon. If anyone here recalls, I hadn’t even started college yet waaaay back then. As well as that I have been through a gamut of emotional, physical, personal, personnel, job, and psychological changes in these four years. I can safely assert, quite strenuously, that I am really not the same person I was then. Except for the part where I am even the same person as I was when I was seven. As evidenced by a linked haiku I wrote then called “Haikus of War and Pollution”. Of course it wasn’t technically haiku but the point is still apparent.
I could go into great depth about the strange and frequently painful growth and change I’ve been through lately, but instead I guess I should speak on my current relationship to this space. I’m really struggling with keeping this going. I guess I have learned that I am not as interested in transparency as I once thought I was. It really only took one snarky ass to precipitate major rearmament. I am a person without skin. This attempt to lay aside some of the layers of collected hides has been difficult. Really difficult. Forget “if you prick me do I not bleed”, I’m a constant oozer.
I don’t know where we’re going now. I am trying to find the right level of opacity in the bandages I’m applying. Maybe not so much wanton displaying of the ragged, gaping, wounds. Some prodding of sores but perhaps not open-heart surgery. Laudable pus is desirable, lately I’ve been festering, and there’s a detectable whiff of rot.