Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy anniversary

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Lutfisk means lye fish
it’s pretty inedible
unless that’s your thing

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Blast from the past

5:45 AM Earworm: Emerson, Lake & Palmer - From the Brain Salad Surgery Lp - I think it’s Called “I’ll Be There” if not, that’s the chorus.

Man I was such an ELP freak in 7th grade. Looking back I’m just not so sure why. I perfectly well understand my King Crimson obsession, my fling with The Moody Blues, and my overweening adoration of The Who. For all of those the basic principles are still intact just the intensity has changed.
I guess I just have to apply the “ Well, it was the seventies” cliché to it. That seems to cover a multitude of sins and insanity.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


Man I got nothin’
but a head full of sleepy
and a piece of cake


Saturday, January 27, 2007


You think you’re alone
while I know with certainty
as long as I’m here


Friday, January 26, 2007


Why am I so shocked
when midnite keeps catching me
still banging at it


Thursday, January 25, 2007


Low-grade misery
days and days, week after week
so disheartening


Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Journaling by dint
of seventeen syllables
well, it works for me


Tuesday, January 23, 2007


All of a sudden
Shit! is it that time again?
Well it's something


Monday, January 22, 2007


Six Feet Under rocks
so much better to sleep to
than The Exorcist

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Stupid UTI
Men in leggings is just wrong
please just kill me now


Saturday, January 20, 2007


Twisting love and trust
saying you are Christ himself
who will die for you?


Friday, January 19, 2007


It’s not yet midnite
I still have a chance to win
back my self respect


Another favourite quote

“The treacherous are ever distrustful”

Gandalf the Grey


My favourite foto of the ice storm

Is over at - I highly recommend wandering over there now.


Crazy jenga

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My favourite quote from the news today

“the chances of such a freak being fossilized are so slim.”


What made me cry today

I Can Hear You
They Might Be Giants

I can hear you
Just barely hear you
I can just barely hear you

This is a warning
step away from the car
This car is protected by viper

Guess where I am
I’m calling from the plane
I’ll call you when I get there

You won’t hear a buzz
but I’m buzzing you in
I’m buzzing you in

What’s your order?
I can supersize that
Please bring your car around

I can hear you
just barely hear you
I can just barely hear you

(I suppose it might not seem as sad without the sad tuba....
and incidentally that TMBG song I was searching for a few weeks ago?
The one about "will make you go insane?" It's called "The Spiraling Shapes".)

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Failure & Success

I realize I FAILED to actually point out the other new link as well. I recently had the opportunity to meet him officially as opposed to just cashing him out at the grocery store. I don’t know what he’s calling himself at the moment. So even though I know his secret identity I'll just call him Simon. “Clown’s Death Rattle” ya’ll---------->

I have no idea why the green tetrahedron deelybops keep showing up in excess on the links index. I apparently have FAILED to understand the code. But I swear I have examined it thoroughly and tried several many things to attempt to fix it . It just ain’t working. Any thoughts?

AM Earworm: Definitely Yes. After researching a little (because listening to Yes is still more fun than homework ya’ll) I think it was “And You And I” from Close to the Edge.
Which makes no sense whatsoever, whereas yesterdays John Mellancamp made total sense as I had just bought for a quarter and subsequently listened to, the cassette of “American Fool”.
Don’t get me wrong - I was also able to pick up cassettes of The Pogues, Some Bach flute thing, Irish Revolutionary Songs, A Benson Hedges early 70’s soul collection, Squeeze and Remy Zero and a couple others, all for a quarter each.

Then there were the 35 LPs for 50 cents a piece covering everything from Tennessee Ernie Ford Spirituals to Lionel Hampton to Sergio Mendes to Al Hirt to Van Cliburn to Jo Stafford. Lots and lots of organ stuff, (we just love the organ stuff everything from wurlitzer to Moog or whatever). Sweet. Not “Sweet” but a sweet deal. Here’s what I’m learning about classical vinyl - Everybody in the middle class wanted them in their collections so that they would look intelligent, but unless it was some syrupy Tchaikovsky or 50 Greatest Hits of the Classical Age, nobody actually played them. Consequently they are in beautiful condition.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


• I have failed to correctly utilize the Roman numerology I have been using to number the dammo haiku. It should only get worse as we get higher in numbers.
• I have failed to be faithful in the actual posting of one per day of aforementioned haiku. I don’t remember making you any promises but I did make a half assed promise to myself.
• I failed to remember to renew my health insurance subsequently now that I’m rather ill I can’t actually go to the Dr.
• I am failing, right at this very moment, to “buckle down” and do my homework.

I'm sure there are plenty more but that's what strikes me at the moment.


Daily haiku XXI


They wrote the words upon the sky and carried the melody with them


Monday, January 15, 2007

I finally remembered

This morning I put my feet on the floor and instantaneously it was Mind Games by Lennon. At least I’m pretty sure it was.... it was definitely Lennon and it was definitely not “Imagine” or “Working Class Hero” so what else could it have been?


Daily haiku XX

OK, OK, yes,
I know I’m slipping lately
But life is greasy


OK ladies

I gotta tell you, while I love you all lots, I simply can’t do this “let’s do lunch” thing that turns into 4 -6 hours of mucking about due to issues with your kids, husbands/SO’s, your unorganized life or whatever the drama of the day happens to be.

First and foremost - Dudettes please realize, I’m diabetic and on insulin. When I plan lunch at 1:00pm I need to be eating very close to that time. Please do not give me attitude when I’m starting to get really grouchy and cranky around a quarter to 3 when you haven’t managed to get your shit together yet to actually sit down at the restaurant yet.

Which is another issue - that I’m a little over being the wait staffs least favourite customer ever because of needing to be seated at the very end of lunch. You then want to draw it out for ages because you don’t want to go home to the chaos.
When the staff is giving us the constant fisheye, I’m not really having fun anymore.

For me, being broke and isolated, going out is meant to be a really huge treat. I get to do it maybe 6 -8 times a year. I realize that you may be in a similar situation having kids and all, so why not make it super pleasant instead of really stressful?

Here is a conglomed scenario as a broad example of what has occurred the last 3 times I tried this:
The time is set for 1pm. The morning confirmation call comes in around 10am. Everything is set, here’s the plan, I’ll see you at 1pm.
Around 12:30 the first delay is phoned in, move it up to 1:30. I go to the prearranged spot at that time.
2pm - the cell phone rings - we’re on our way.
2:30pm - I think we’re at the wrong place, where are you?
2:45pm - Go ahead and sit down I have to take little Suprema to the bathroom.
3pm. - Ok so what are we having? Oh well apparently several martinis for you.
In between - 8 thousand interruptions of the juicy for you to have some sort of wrangle with your kid.
4:15 - “Lets go to your house for coffee.”
5:15 - “Well I guess I should get home, girrrlll you have got me in so much trouble with what’s his name”.
Next time I call your house - Definite attitude from what’s his name.

And here’s the kicker (for me anyway) I WAS READY AT 10!!!

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Yet another ooo

I get to put a new link up.
I recently met another local blogger (a seemingly very nice person).
Since this (a) fits into my preference of actually knowing whomever I’m linking to & (b) he was kind enough to link me, I would like to return the favour.
He mentions that it’s because I commented on his space.
See now? Commenting is indeed a friendly thing. (Mostly anyway, we all have seen it not be).

So without further ado may I present “RadioFreeUbu” a very erudite and creative personage. --------->

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AM earworm

"Hey DJ" (?) - I don’t really know the real title or who did it although I have an odd feeling it had something to do with Malcolm McClaren. I could totally be wrong. “Hey DJ woncha play that song, keep me dancin’ all night long”.


ooo bonus

January sights
In the dim, dying porch light
mosquitoes last night


Daily haiku XIX

Here comes five thousand
much of which is me of course
shouting down the well


Friday, January 12, 2007

"I fear...out of 86 things”

(OK so I received this meme and it was pretty interesting, but the psychologist in me had to change it all around, add and subtract. I got it with 72 items. I also changed the stats part. Which means if ever it had any scientific basis, which I’m highly doubtful of, it certainly doesn’t now.)

If you get more than 40 you might want to consider that you’re a just a smitch paranoid.
If you get 30 to 40 you’re still mostly “normal”.
If you get 20 to 30 you’re fairly “normal”.
If you get 10 to 20 you're fairly fearless.
People who get 10 or less want people to think they are tough.
(And I have to add that if you get more than 50 some therapy or other approach is probably called for, a better life is possible, take action).


[] men
[] women
[] republicans
[] democrats
[x] government
[] gay people
[] being myself in front of others
[x] large crowds
[] my SOs/(ex)SOs dad
[] my SOs/(ex)SOs mom
[] being single forever
[] being a parent
[] being touched
[] love
[x] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[] someone you love or care about hurting you
[] losing my loved ones
[] making hard decisions
[] change
[x] the future
[] the past
[] growing up
[] failure
[] success
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[x] poverty
[] having great responsibility
[x] being alone
[] death
[] Heaven
[] Hell
[] No afterlife
[] global warming
[] being robbed
[] rape
[x] the dark
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[x] heights
[x] driving
[] flying
[] Jumping from high places
[] fire
[] dark water
[x] the ocean
[] snow
[] rain
[] wind
[] tornadoes
[] hurricanes
[] thunder/lightning
[] flowers or other plants
[] mice/rats
[] snakes
[] sharks
[] frogs/toads
[] black cats
[] birds
[] fish
[] ants
[] lady bugs
[x] spiders
[] doctors/dentists
[] germs
[x] diseases
[x] shots
[] being blind
[] being deaf
[] being otherwise disabled
[] bee stings
[] blood
[]cotton balls
[] cemeteries
[x] clowns
[] crossing bridges
[] Friday the 13th
[] ghosts
[x] monsters under my bed
[x]creepy noises in the night
[] Halloween
[x] Christmas
[] school
[] trains/railroads
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] stickers


Daily haiku XVIII

mouth on opening,
and the shouting commences
echoes down the well


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Am Earworm weirdo mashup

(Do) The Strand - Roxy
I’m Beginning To See the Light - Ella Fitzgerald
back and forth, one to the other, clearly one of the strangest combinations.....


Daily haiku XVII

Sick late haiku

Sorry there was none
I passed out, first in bed, then
on the bathroom floor


Wednesday, January 10, 2007



Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Daily haiku XVI

Homework already?
Geez ‘o’ Pete I just got here
Sigh and double sigh


Monday, January 08, 2007

Daily Haiku XV

Taxi Driver IV

Freaked by a pinky
Keitel one of my nightmares
I was out too young


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Daily Haiku XIV

Taxi Driver III

Then Cybil Shepherd
in these roles where she often
reflects in mirrors


Wild cat

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The old raspberry

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Daily Haiku XIII

Taxi Driver II

DeNiro as well
He gets all totally cut
all wiry with abs


First ecstasy, then laundry

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Daily haiku XII

Taxi Driver

Iris in madras
flowers, platforms, short shorts
How can’t you love her


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Daily Haiku XI


There in my minds eye
Mick and Anita bathing
Why not a jongleur?


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Daily Haiku X

For me it’s a first
ordering from Amazon
likely I’m a tard


Many, many cats ago

The original little buddy, Spooky. My best friend for 10 years.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Daily haiku IX

O life giving tea
like draughts from fabled fountains
restore my tissues


Monday, January 01, 2007

Daily haiku VIII

A day of malaise
of exhaustion and napping
Way beyond ennui


Daily haiku VII

I guess that’s it then,
thats it for the big night then
Amateur night, feh
