I’ve noticed a lame trend on the internet. A marked resurgence in the epithet “douche”. Everybody is calling everybody one all over the place. The really annoying part is that almost none of them can spell it correctly. Maybe it’s because I’m female (and I’m betting dollars to donuts that most of these folk aren’t) that I have pretty much always known the correct spelling. I’m seeing duch, doshe, dushe, doche, douch. Douch is one of my favourites. It’s like a little Homer-ism. As if he fell and skinned his knee. But really, it’s a little ridiculous to use it iffen you can’t even spell it
Now when I was a kid and you called someone “douche bag” it seemed to connote that that one was just a right slimy, piece of work. Now it’s just taking the place of jerk. Why not just say jerk then. I’m sure it’s more highly spell-able. Although I am eagerly anticipating the day I see jurk. Or possibly jirk.
The best part of doing a little wiki on the subject was learning about the Nugent Score.
This is “a Gram stain scoring system of vaginal smears to diagnose bacterial vaginosis.” Somehow hearing Nugent and douche bag together made it feel just right.
Labels: Internet Trends