Horseradish = Beautiful pain
Labels: Food
I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.
“Suddenly I felt bleak, oddly depressed. It took a moment for me to realize that one of Meyer’s recent lectures on international standards of living was all too well remembered.”
Labels: Apocalypto, Blowin' Stuff Up, Brother Martin, Decline, Dharma, Horror Days, Philosophy, Politics, Quotes, Sociology, The Rehv-volooshun, Truth 'n' Lies
Well I did me some papering and if I don’t get my coveted A it will mean that I have gone insane w/out realizing and made no sense a’tall for 14 pages. Last night I was so very happily relieved and today I am bitch ugly and want to drink and fight.
Labels: Booze, Decline, Destruction, Habits, Hatred, Parties, S.A.D.
I am writing a paper, between today and Friday. It gets all, you get none. Even my earworms are all just me lately, so no loss there.
Labels: Anthrophobia, Blog, Blogging, Earworms, Etiquette, Homework, Horror Days, Poetry, writing
I don't know who I'm stealing bandwidth from, but I got to be online with one teeny, tiny, mystery bar @ work!
Labels: The Net
Can’t tell ya the name, can’t tell ya the people. But, the partial lyrics keep going in my head
Labels: Earworms
Did anyone else notice that all things Google just died for something like 15 minutes to a half an hour?
Labels: The Net, The Rehv-volooshun
For an awful lot of family friendly television. While I know this is a day late and a dollar short, as they rerun a bunch of “family classics”, here are my thoughts on one.
Labels: Backwards Trippingness, Blowin' Stuff Up, Drugs, Horror Days, Movies, Personalities, Soapboxin', TV
Just before I woke up I was doing the locomotion, quite loudly and with lots of the “you got to swing your hips now” part, down Miller Ave. from the west towards the bakery. The slush was making it more fun to do and the neighbors were chagrined.
So while I’m NOT working on my paper (The Duty Of Dissent), or my final exam, I should finally say something about the blog meltdown we experienced earlier this summer.
Labels: Blog, Blogging, Psychology
We have rolled over the old odometer. I was trying to see if I could suddenly manufacture the necessary 22 more posts to match 999 to the 9999. I knew that was an automatic fail though...
Labels: Blog
The Great Mandala - Peter, Paul and Mary
Labels: Earworms
Labels: Cats, Control, Neighborhood
Iffen you know someone.
Labels: music
“Oh my god aren’t you freezing?”
Labels: The Rehv-volooshun, Weather, Winter
As I was waking up, I was dreaming that “they” were trying to develop Karl Marx’s brand identity. Therefore they were having me look at all these KM logos and polling me for my opinion.
Labels: Dreams