Possibly the wierdest earworm yet

Down By the River (I shot my baby) - Neil Young?
Mixed together with the incidental music from Rocky & Bullwinkles Fractured Fairy Tales
Its sort of like this-
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Doodle doo doo
doodle doo doo
doobie doobie doobie doo
What could I possibly have been dreaming?
Edit: I do remember dreaming about BBQ'd rib sammiches like you used to be able to get at DeLong's.
Double edit: This is so extremely cool, stolen from Warren Ellis where much of the excitement in my life derives from, actual footage of Django Rheinhardt, Stephan Grappelli, and the Hot Club of France!!!!!
triple edit: While we're at it lets have frickin' Kittens!!! WTF why not a flamin' kitten!! This ones name is Felicia, poor thing, I wonder what ever happened to her.